- A collection of hideous giant bugs, with developed defensive mechanisms despite having no natural predators.
- A scattered selection of northern hemisphere deciduous trees + one pine tree species.
- A scattered selection of desert shrubbery.
- Grass, presumably one type.
- A single type of freshwater (assumed) fish.
It seems there must be freshwater oceans as our boilers and chemical plants are chugging away without requiring desalinization.
There is oil so there must have been life or some organic material far in the past; on Earth it takes 50-60 million years for organics to become oil.
It is assumed that our view is of a typical slice of the planet; rather than coincidentally (and unluckily) always landing in the middle of a vast unpopulated area on a planet that, unbeknownst to us, is full of other helpful, intelligent, civilized life (in which case, lol @ all our effort).
Does anybody have any theories about what happened here?