Basically it calls:
Code: Select all
factorio --mod-directory /dev/null --benchmark --benchmark-ticks 1000 --benchmark-runs 5 --benchmark-verbose all --benchmark-sanitize ... e161705504
I get with MacPro M1 five times like this:
Performed 1000 updates in 6305.037 ms
avg: 6.305 ms, min: 5.455 ms, max: 20.453 ms
-> 1000 * 1000 / 6305 = 158,6 UPS
And with my AMD 5600X:
Performed 1000 updates in 4449.033 ms
avg: 4.449 ms, min: 3.789 ms, max: 27.968 ms
-> 1000 * 1000 / 4449 = 224,76 UPS
The max value is a bit higher on the AMD, but that really can be one hickup or whatever. Would need to check in game, if it's noticeable from time to time
Maybe it's the inital loading frame, where something major happens in one tick.
While impressive, it's not as good as those desktop machines.
Btw: The 5800X3D is like 350 UPS on average on the website
There is also no different, if I use --mod-directory /dev/null or not.
If you don't specify it, factorio uses the default mods folder and whatever mod you could have installed. Maybe you have something there, which increases performance sowehow?