What's your hotbar look like?

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What's your hotbar look like?

Post by Jasonaroo »

I was thinking the other day about how cluttered my hotbar is, so what does your guys' look like? I usually have a spot reserved for repair packs, small power poles, basic conveyor belts, and chests, the rest being filled with whatever I need at the moment.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by FishSandwich »

I don't know why, but I never set filters on my toolbar. I probably should, but then I don't spend a lot of time trying to find items I need.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by Nemoricus »

Mine's a cluttered mess. I keep switching items I don't need for items I need, and I don't think that filters would particularly help keep it neat.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by ludsoe »

What hotbar? I just grab what ever i need directly out of my inventory.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by Nemoricus »

ludsoe wrote:What hotbar? I just grab what ever i need directly out of my inventory.
The hotbar is also useful as added inventory space. :)
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by GaliMatias »

My hotbar is a complete mess. Nothing is ever in the right place.

Anyways, i will have to try to set that filter when i play again.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by ssilk »

My hotbar looks always the same in different stages of the game.

Early: basic belt, small poles, basic inserters, splitter, underground, right side are furnace, pipes, and other changing stuff.

Late game: deconstruction tool, fast belts, express belts, fast splitter, fast underground, right side are fast/smart inserters, curved/straight rail, pipes
lower belt: some things for fight, capsules etc., right: all logistic chest, and the "magnet" from the magnet mod.

I nearly never use the shorthands for the right side, cause shift-5 needs to stretch the hand in a very different way. Maybe I would prefer to use all the number keys, like other games.

And the setup for the predefined stacks is really not intuitive. I suggest two ways: a) to click and hold the hotbar to configure it or remove the setting or b) to press a config button, available for every inventory.

Example: Click, hold and after 200 ms (configurable!) you are in the config mode and can configure all stacks in one place, move stacks around, drag item types on stacks, a bit like the configuration of the icons in iOS.
This config should include also the stack limits, so that everything you can do with an inventory is in one place.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by kovarex »

I always use this:
  1. Basic transport belt (fast one later)
  2. Basic (fast later) inserter
  3. Small electric pole (medium later)
  4. long handed inserter
These four are always like that, so for me, the number 3 is always the electric pole, it is a muscle memory now.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by katyal »

my hot bar looks like a series of grey squares on a darker grey rectangular background in the middle bottom of my screen ....Bad joke I know but I just couldn't resist.

Actually my hotbar is a mess I've tried setting filters but I always seem to wind up missing something. I should really sit down and give it some thought.
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by ghosrath »

[transport-belt][basic-inserter][wooden-pole][underground][splitter] [fast-inserter][long-inserter][smart-inserter][pipe][pipe-to-ground]

[fast-transport][express-transport][medium-pole][fast-underground][fast-splitter] [assembler2][random][random][random][delete-tool]

usually at late-game i replace my basic belt filters with express belt filters and add things like substations or big poles to the bottom part
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by Xterminator »

An absolute and total mess. Haha :p I have tried using filters before, but always forget to press Q to automatically put the item back where it belongs, and instead try to just stick the stuff back in a free slot, and end up getting spammed by the message of something not being allowed to go in a reserved slot. So I always end up taking the filters off lol
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by Gimli »

In the Pre-Toolbelt research age, on the first toolbar:
1. Transport Belt
2. Underground Belt
3. Small Electric Pole
4. Inserter
5. Longhanded inserter

The Shift+x keys are usually whatever I end up working with at that moment. So if I'm setting up steam engines, I'll have engines, pipes and pipe-to-grounds. If I'm shoring up my defenses or while laying siege to biter camps, I'll put in turrets and walls.
shift+1: Usually Splitter
shift+2: Before Toolbelt, here or on shift+4 go my Fast Inserters. With extra toolbelt, it varies.
shift+5: Repair Pack

In the Toolbelt Age, on the second toolbar I put:
1. Fast Transport Belt
2. Fast Underground Belt
3. Undecided
4. Fast Inserter
5. Undecided - sometimes Smart Inserter

Shift+x keys: again, whatever stuff I happen to be working with at that point.

The Toolbelt upgrade is just awesome :)
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Re: What's your hotbar look like?

Post by Cerus »

Early game:
Belt - Inserter - LH Inserter - Splitter - UG Belt --- Sm Elec. Pole - Repair Pack

Shuffle other stuff in and out depending on what I'm doing, upgrade to faster/better variants once that's automated and scaled.

Late game:
The same, plus a bunch of blueprints.
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