That is in deed a nice way of looking on the FFFmmmPI wrote: ↑Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:33 amI guess all those persons waiting in queue in front of stores to buy the latest thing. I've always seen that just on TV and never related but i think i understand a little bit better now
Aren't FFF like free-lootboxes that someones open for you every week ? Such anticipation before knowing what's going to be announced ? The great please or upset when seeing it after waiting the whole week ? Unlike loot-boxes though, you only pay when everything is revealed , not before; the thrill of the opening is free
Yeah you are right about that one. I stopped using Facebook 3 years ago, there where so many people posting so much BS so i started to /unfollow them, one year later i did not get any updates, because I /unfollowed 95% of all my "friends". After that I just realized that I don´t need facebook at all and that these "sozial networks" are the most unsozial place you could ever be, so I stopped using any of them ;DTertius wrote: ↑Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:24 pm Everybody has to learn to wait at some point in their phase of growing up.
Patience is something you can celebrate. I, for example, am currently trying to sit out Facebook. I expect them fall, and I'm currently waiting for it. I saw them spawn, I saw them growing, I saw them being big. I assume they will vanish like all the other social web services before, and the crowd will move forward. Since then I'm waiting for its fall. The decline has started, although it's not clear when exactly it started, how fast it will be, and what will remain after the fall.
It's like life watching the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, just on a slightly smaller timescale. Not Meta, I mean the product still called Facebook. It was founded 19 years ago, and in 19 years in the future, I expect myself still being around, but Facebook not. Just be patient, and future will tell. And you can be assured, future will definitely happen.
Also one reason why I can not wait for the release is that I am spoiled with all the new features and don´t want to start an old savefile or even a new playthrough. That means für me one year without factorio. I bearly made the last 3 month :O
Can we make a kickstart to make 2.0 happen until christmas? ;D