Awesome Factorio Feature I Discovered After 2 Years

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Awesome Factorio Feature I Discovered After 2 Years

Post by oyunbagimlisi »

Awesome Factorio Feature I Discovered After 2 Years

Yes, maybe 1-2k hours left to the factorio. You spent hours and hours recording a plan; name, icons, descriptions etc. You even created it. Hoop, you realize you need a little addition. (Not deleting, I know how to delete the plan with the right button in advance.) For this, it places the plan beforehand, makes the addition, renaming-description-icon etc. I would have to deal with the details. Whereas, you can directly change the content of a plan by clicking on the blue area as in the screenshot: name, description, icons etc. everything will stay the same :) Excellent time saver.

Beacon domain & Cable access area coloring (Color Tone variations)
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