And also extremely tedious in some cases where you want to isolate rows of assemblers that share beacons because even with the smallest poles it can require manually snipping and reconnecting the wires between specific poles. ...and custom copper wire configurations are not stored in the blueprint when you finish. (I do this in, for example, a refinery where a row of H->L shares beacons with a row of L->P but I want to cut power to the rows (including their beacons) independently when I don't need either L or P. The shared beacons only need power if either L or P are needed but the poles can't connect across the shared beacons or it won't work correctly.)Ranger_Aurelien wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 2:57 pmElectricity can become slightly complicated if you want to isolate circuits..
The poles almost always seem to cover just one tile short for what I would want to use them for too. Like, a single medium pole would be perfect in many cases if it were one tile larger but I need two instead and two small poles work just as well in those cases, are cheaper, and have a smaller visual profile. It ends up creating some annoying pole spam just to catch a few stray tiles in some tight designs. It's like the programmer's off-by-one error carried over into game design.