Megabase ideas

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Megabase ideas

Post by ukesilkeris6 »

I just did an achievement run (no mods) and am now back working on my megabase (with mods).

I am running out of ideas/motivation of what to strive for. The current ideas I have are:

1k SPM (currently at 350 mainly using my first launch base (I.e. not train supplying rocket parts). I have already launched ~500 rockets).

Modify my trains to be more efficient (I have nuclear fuel. But my train stops can be improved with circuits and better routing).

Expand my walls. I have plenty of space tho.

Moar resource outposts! Kinda bored of that atm.

Power: have 24 reactors and lotsa solar. Not a current problem. routerlogin 192.168.l.l
Start a new run with Bob's and/or Angel's.

I dunno, just kinda burning out and looking for something more exciting. (maybe I should just take a break lol). Any other ideas/suggestions are muchly appreciated. Thanks!
Last edited by ukesilkeris6 on Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by wobbycarly »

Something like this? I'm enjoying it.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Moved ti General Discussions. Ideas and Suggestions is meant "for the future development of the game".
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by coppercoil »

x3 megabase may be not enough to explore different designs and concepts. Boring x 3 = super boring. Boring x 10 = that's really different, you cannot just copy/paste for that (actually, you can, but don't). I recommend 2700 SPM. Blue belt of every science – looks good :)

Another approach – limit yourself in some interesting way. E.g. no belts, or no logistic bots, no beacons, no trains, super small trains, super large trains, no lasers, ribbon world.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by quyxkh »

The taking-a-long-break notion might be best, the first rule of show business also applies to video games you love and think there might be lots left in.

Or, here's a little smorgasbord of ideas, maybe something in here will be that niggling little thing you can't quite put your finger on and can't seem to just walk away from.

However you've got your base designed, try for something completely different. Did you do a main bus? Go for utter pandemonium, a pure-spaghetti base. Do you have a central base and ship ores there for processing? Go all outpost-y on its ass, for a starter pack do plates, steel and green chips waaayyyy out there at the ore patches. Are you stringing long power nets for the mining outposts? Put up local steam turbines and ship steam. Are you playing without biters? Turn them on. Try a deathworld. Playing with? Turn them off. They're different games. Try longer trains, I'm partial to 1-12 later on. That might push you into using circuitry to goose intersection and station throughput. Try laying out your base for cars, get that Silent Running vibe going. Try circuit-controlling your requester chests to manage bot traffic for maximum payload per charge. Do a forest-world map where you never cut down a tree unless you can't make progress any other way.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by Eternal »

cant stop laughing :)))) " Did you do a main bus?" wow, what unthinkable idea :)))))))) jizas crist some ppl :D
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by Nosferatu »

What's so funny about that? That's exactly what is next on my next challenge list.
I have a 1k SPM base but only the mall has something that could qualify as main bus.

Everything else is train based.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by Premu »

The question is how you want to build your mega base. Perhaps change the playstyle for something new.

Did you just continuesly expand whatever you have as a shortage, slowly growing your base? You might try to do speifically planned approach. Calculate how much of everything you need. Start with building a standard base to reasearch everything and attach a large mall providing you with everything you need. Once you're done with the standard research, build up your megabase "piece by piece" (like building a giant iron smeltery, then build your full sized copper smeltery, etc.), while your main base is only used to supply your mall.

Or alternate some of your general designs. E.g. switch from central smelting to smelting at mining sites. Or try a different concept for you trains. Use mining outposts instead of walling everything in. There are lots of different approaches you could take.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by maxp779 »

Well right now im trying to make a 1kspm module. I've seen others do this. Just plop down the (usually pretty massive) blueprint, feed it resources and it produces/consumes science. The only thing external to this module will be power generation and mining. These things could constitute a megabase if you built a few of them.

My design is going to be less advanced than some of the other's ive seen. Im using a bunch of off the shelf blueprints, and I think initially this will end up being like a mini main bus because when I think about routing 29 blue belts of iron plate, 22 blue belts of copper and all the other stuff to wherever my brain hurts.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by Premu »

I've finished two megabases (1k and 2k SPM), and I'm currently building one aimed for 2.7 SPM.

And for none of those three I had a massive blueprint ready for the whole base. I have a library of blueprints of certain production lines (like a row of beaconized furnaces), which I used in the past and which I might reapply if they seem to fit, of course. But I still will need to combine a lot of those to submodules first (like a whole iron smeltery producing lots of blue belts of iron plates), and then connect these submodules with each other to get a working factory. For a megabase the connections are typically done with a large train network, although you might want a challenge and try to do it with a main bus :D.

What you might have seen is someone using a city block design. You should check out the Youtuber Nilaus for this. I personally don't use that, so I can't give you detailed information about it. But there you literally just add additional blueprints while bringing in more and more raw materials. But it needs the right setup for this specific approach, you need to prepare your base for that. And there are probably also some traps if you are not paying enough attention, as it doesn't really use a single massive blueprint, but lots of smaller, easy to connect modules.

Or you might download a blueprint of someone else and rebuild it yourself. For me that sounds boring, though, as it's more busywork and the creative part of designing and fine tuning the whole working base is missing.
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Re: Megabase ideas

Post by Bauer »

Factorio is a sand-box. You envision, plan, implement, and enjoy watching various concepts.

- Go big, fast, spaghetti, beautiful, …
- Optimise everything you want, e.g. ratios, foot-print, throughput, UPS, …
- Fancy stuff like sushi-belts, "programming" with combinators, cars on belts, self-expanding builds, ...
- Increase complexity with mod-packs like Sea Block until your brain pops out.
- You can even think about and optimize the progression from steam-age to mega-base and how this is different for vanilla compared to various mod-packs.

After about 8000 h of Factorio I have the feeling of “seen it all”.
(Don’t get me wrong! For <not-sure-how-much-I-paid-but-not-much> this is a phantasmagorial bargain.)

But, there is a point when one has to conclude that the only thing left to do is this:
Wait for Wube to come up with something new.
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