Heavy and Light OIl

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Tue May 20, 2014 11:59 am

Heavy and Light OIl

Post by mICHAEL »

I'm having a slight problem here. In my current game I have more heavy and Light oil than I know what to do with,but all I'm using at this point is Petroleum gas for Sulfuric acid,for battery production. I don't need fuel blocks as I'm slowly transitioning over to Solar Panels,so is there something I'll be able to use this for later,as I'm having to build what seems like endless storage tanks as unless my refinery can store everything,it ceases production,and I need batteries for many different things.
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Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:22 pm

Re: Heavy and Light OIl

Post by Eurofighter1200 »

Whit Advanced Oiltech you can transform heavy Oil into light oil and lightoil + water into petroleum so if you only need petroleum you can use this but also later you need trains and i use for them the fuelblocks.
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