Honesty question, then why are you bothering to post in this thread then? I can understand the argument that you'd rather they divert and allocate development time elsewhere. But arguing that they should make no changes doesn't make sense to me. For one, if they do add content, it won't effect you in anyway, so why not be "for" the people who want more of what Factorio has to offer? Secondly, I seriously doubt they will stop adding content after 1.0, I'm pretty sure in interview they've said they are looking forward to expanding content after 1.0. Why not discuss where you'd like said new content to go?5thHorseman wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:22 pmYeah, basically. If they fix the Blueprint library and fluids I'm good.
First you say you enjoy solving logistical problems, I make the argument that more combat related tools, actually provides more of that and now you claim you like the simplistic nature of combat. You understand how contradictory that is right?disentius wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:57 pmAh. Language again.I find it interesting that even you admit that dealing with the biters is as simplistic as make more guns.
I am not interested in how easy or simplistic biters are, it is not a core mechanic of the game, just a resource sink with some shock effects added.
Factorio was never meant to be combat oriented. Yes, this attracts a specific kind of players. No, you are obviously not one of them.