Theory: Compilatron is a double agent

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Theory: Compilatron is a double agent

Post by autopoiesis »

As we all know, there has a been a string of recent Compilatron murders: viewtopic.php?f=226&t=66276
Ask yourselves, how many players will Compilatron lead to their death during the tutorial? Compilatron gives you a false sense of security, acting as your friend and protector, but just stands there as your flesh gets torn from your body and you get dismembered and disemboweled by hostile aliens. What type of friend does that? It's not like Compy couldn't help you, they have 1 million health and 6 million damage. Why is a cute helper bot armed with the strongest weapons and armors known to mankind? And why do they hate you?

I'm not sure if Compy works for the biters, some galactic terrorist cell, or some type of shadowy government organization like NASA, but I do know that Compy is not on your side. It's the only feasible explanation.

Let's go over some of the more specific evidence:

(1) Compy asks you to feed materials to repair certain machines. We all know that you repair machines with repair packs. Compilatron asks for a lot more materials than a few repair packs require. Why? What are they doing with the materials? What ineffable horrors are our "companion" crafting behind our back?

(2) Compy requires you to research techs that are normally unlocked immediately in freeplay. Compy is hiding knowledge from the player. Compy wants you to be weak and defenseless so they can do their evil deeds without you being able to lift a finger. Moreover, you can't use splitters and underground belts. Why would Compy, your "friend", stop you from using one of your most basic tools? Compy wants nothing more than to see you fail.

(3) Compy asks you leave the initial base. Now you may think, "Oh! Compy is helping us here, what a nice and cute robot!". Wrong. That is only what Compy wants you think. Behind their friendly cold machine-like eyes are vengeful cold machine-like eyes, and those eyes have it out for you. Observe that the biters only swarm the area after you leave the base, no matter how long it takes you. The only reasonable explanation is that Compy is controlling when the biters attack you. I dont know if they have some type of pact with the biters or whether Compy has some sort of telepathy. It could even be the case those biters are a false-flag, Compy's patriots to trick the player into leaving the area so that they can go on with their malicious schemes. Anything is possible.

(4) Compy hides the map from you. Compy also controls when you see which portion of the map, preventing the player from knowing too much? How do we know that there isn't more of the map to access that we can't see? What type of secrets is Compilatron hiding in those areas? How much do they know that we cannot know? It's impossible to tell, but all we can say is that Compilatron is hiding something, and whatever it is, it's big and probably dangerous.

I hope this has been enough evidence to convince all of you that Compilatron is really our enemy. Whether Compilatron's ends are directly opposed to the player or whether they are just using us remains to be seen. Will we learn Compilatrons true motives? Will Compilatron try to hurt us more? Will the player finally see Compilatron for the menace that they are? Will we ever fight Compilatron? Will Compilatron be the secret final boss of the campaign? Is Compilatron the real enemy? Hopefully the next few installments of the campaign will answer some of the questions raised in this post.
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Re: Theory: Compilatron is a double agent

Post by Light »

Factorio's Compy is evil because it doesn't love.

We need the superior Compy whom we could all love.

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Re: Theory: Compilatron is a double agent

Post by Gergely »

Did you know that... Compilatron is on the enemy force by defafult when you place him in the map editor!!
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Re: Theory: Compilatron is a double agent

Post by Ranakastrasz »

See, this is why helper entities never workout. Between Navi, Clippy, and now Compilatron, no matter how much they want to help you, they are all terrible at it, and everyone hates them.

Its also kinda funny how as soon as the tutorial got an avatar, everyone suddenly started hating it. After all, you can't just hate the tutorial, you need an actual entity to hate. And compie, given his inability to not run over and wreck your everything, is a perfect candidate.
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