0.17 Hype?

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impetus maximus
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by impetus maximus »

maybe we will get Spidertron in 0.17.*?
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by Raveman »

Trudel wrote: What kind of goals do you have in mind that wouldn't be arbitrary numbers (produce X amount of X per hour, kill X amount of biters, etc.)? Launching the rocket at has some meaning, in the sense of a way of getting you of the planet, at least.
I'm not really good when it comes down to finding nice ideas, some already gave good ones on this forum. But here's some:

- After your first rocket launch with the satelite, you could have to build a space station. Each subsequent rocket launch could hold modules to build that station. While you're building it bitters could be sending attack waves to disrupt your factory. Those waves would get tougher as you complete more parts of that station.

- Have a campaign setup so that you can hop on your rocket and land on a new world once you launch that rocket. That world would contain new resource types but you could import some ressources from your old base to start you up.

- Have a key component be held by bitters in a bitter stronghold, forcing us to go out in the world to explore and find that stronghold, then destroy it to grab the loot.

What are your ideas?
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by rcp27 »

Miravlix wrote:I think Kerbal Space Program, Factorio and other things like it, is basically like crayons.

I can eat the crayons or create pictures and tons of other stuff, but it's not a game.
That’s quite a narrow definition of “game” and not one widely recognized in either the computer game industry or community of players. Open ended “sandbox” type games have existed for pretty much as long as computers have been used for playing games. Your narrow definition would exclude classics like Sim City, Transport Tycoon and The Sims. They may not be everyone’s preferred genre, but they are (as are Factorio and KSP) definitely games. This reminds me a bit of old school debates about whether something like darts or pool is a “sport” or not, a classic pub-bore argument that goes way back.
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by Trudel »

Raveman wrote:
Trudel wrote: What kind of goals do you have in mind that wouldn't be arbitrary numbers (produce X amount of X per hour, kill X amount of biters, etc.)? Launching the rocket at has some meaning, in the sense of a way of getting you of the planet, at least.
I'm not really good when it comes down to finding nice ideas, some already gave good ones on this forum. But here's some:

- After your first rocket launch with the satelite, you could have to build a space station. Each subsequent rocket launch could hold modules to build that station. While you're building it bitters could be sending attack waves to disrupt your factory. Those waves would get tougher as you complete more parts of that station.

- Have a campaign setup so that you can hop on your rocket and land on a new world once you launch that rocket. That world would contain new resource types but you could import some ressources from your old base to start you up.

- Have a key component be held by bitters in a bitter stronghold, forcing us to go out in the world to explore and find that stronghold, then destroy it to grab the loot.

What are your ideas?
Haven't thought about it really, but I like your ideas. :D Especially, the second one, sort of new game+ mode which would be harder. Being forced to explore would be cool too. To that end launching the rocket with the satelite could permantly reveal a large part of the map to help you.

Kind of beside the point, but I'd also really like to see the campaign expanded with more missions. It was pretty well done consdering the type of game factorio is. It would be an opportunity to teach the player more of the games mid- and late-game concepts.
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by SirSmuggler »

Raveman wrote:
Hellatze wrote:
Miravlix wrote:I think Kerbal Space Program, Factorio and other things like it, is basically like crayons.

I can eat the crayons or create pictures and tons of other stuff, but it's not a game.

So you want me to be hyped for them changing the way my crayons look, when I'm not running into huge problems with the current shape?

Naah, the real bombshell is that they might be adding a game to my crayons, but that seems like a theoretical 0.16 feature.
your point ?
The point is that Factorio in the current state is just a simulation, not quite a game yet. There's no end goal and bitters are just a pain and not a part of the bigger picture (which they should be in my opinion). A nice addition in 0.17 would be to add someting to work toward beside launching a rocket (which could be done in 2 hours).
So by that defenition, one could very easliy turn Factorio into a game by just making it stop after you launch a rocket. Then you have your end goal (to launch the rocket) and so it is a game. Probobly a shorter one then you would like, but a game non the less... I hope they never make it a game in that case :)
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by Zavian »

Well you do get a victory screen of sorts when you launch a rocket. And you can keep playing afterwards. (which is also not that uncommon in open ended games).
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by OBXandos »

Well they need to update the UI before they release the game into 1.0. I think it would be really bad form to release the current game and get a bunch of new players and then completely change the way the game looks and possibly plays.

As for features they spoke about the artillery train and the spidertron thing. I don't see much need for things like that due to how easy combat is currently. Tank + personal laser defense = driving around in circles killing everything. Building space stations, going to the moon/other planets all feels like a big expansion pack or DLC. There isn't much left to change or add to make this game complete enough for retail release anymore. Finish all of the high res graphics, re-balance the resource distribution, and redo the GUI.

Wube should finish polishing this amazing game and mark it 1.0.
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by dRaMaTiC »

For mid / end game i would prefer something like tower defense. The AI should be more agressive and be able to produce bigger creatures like a big walking tank that can destroy pretty much and got a lot of health points. That "event" could be announced by earthquakes some time before (effect: shaking the screen, make big noise) or something like that. For me this would be a funny part beside the other stuff right now. Overall let see what 0.16 brings. I jumped on the hype train since i saw the new ppl model hd images :)
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by HurkWurk »

Miravlix wrote:I think Kerbal Space Program, Factorio and other things like it, is basically like crayons.
I can eat the crayons or create pictures and tons of other stuff, but it's not a game.
So you want me to be hyped for them changing the way my crayons look, when I'm not running into huge problems with the current shape?
Naah, the real bombshell is that they might be adding a game to my crayons, but that seems like a theoretical 0.16 feature.
the name for this type of game is called "sandbox". its a game without a point except what you make of it. Minecraft and its million clones are sandbox games.
many sandbox games have been turned into other types of games as well, and some games use sandbox elements (creating settlements in Fallout 4, building your house in Skyrim anyone?)
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When v0.17 will be ready?

Post by codigo47 »

When v0.17 will be ready?
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Re: When v0.17 will be ready?

Post by Jap2.0 »

When it's ready. There's no official estimate as of yet, but probably a few months.
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Re: When v0.17 will be ready?

Post by codigo47 »

Good, thanks
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Re: When v0.17 will be ready?

Post by evopwr »

Am I allowed to say?
Hope I'm allowed to say...
Really starting to hang out for the next version..
Its been quite awhile now,
And my impatience is growing...
Not that I have any right to be impatient.. I know that.
Its just how I feel - cant help it...
Just really hanging out for it...
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Re: When v0.17 will be ready?

Post by zOldBulldog »

evopwr wrote:Am I allowed to say?
Hope I'm allowed to say...
Really starting to hang out for the next version..
Its been quite awhile now,
And my impatience is growing...
Not that I have any right to be impatient.. I know that.
Its just how I feel - cant help it...
Just really hanging out for it...
I remember seeing a post from a developer where he guesstimated it to several months from now. Why do you think it might be sooner?
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged into the 0.17 hype topic.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by JimBarracus »

About endgame:
launching one rocket is a massive task
try launching one rocket per minute
get all achievements (lazy bastard)
play without biters, deathworld, train world
spaghetti layout, main bus, train based production, bot based production
only use solar, coal, nuclear or even nuclear fuel
play without lasers

there are endless ways to play factorio
each style gives you a different experience.

Factorio isn't a game that needs to take the players hand and guide him through the game which makes it so timeless and very replayable.
There are almost any limits to this game. It can be so much.

If you need being guided through a game then just buy call of duty every year and play the scripted story mode.
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Re: When v0.17 will be ready?

Post by evopwr »

zOldBulldog wrote: I remember seeing a post from a developer where he guesstimated it to several months from now. Why do you think it might be sooner?
Nah, I don't think it might be sooner, I just wish it was. :D
Older versions used to come every 6 months or so, and I think maybe that's why I'm hanging out as expectations were set with older release timeframes, but this one is looking to be closer to a year from what I can tell.
I suspect this is because they are trying to go for 1.0 not 0.17, and therefore making sure everything is totally perfect. Or if anything, 0.17 will just be a beta release for those who opt in, and will become 1.0 once stable.
Anyway, I'll stfu, and go back to building :)
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by boksiora »

Spidertron please!!!!!
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by Lurind »

Anybody else hype for .19?
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Re: 0.17 Hype?

Post by Gergely »

Lurind wrote:Anybody else hype for .19?
Are you freakin' serious?
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