Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

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Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

Post by gexxo »

Right now, the only limiting factor for the size of my factory are FPS. I already have a high-end CPU, but nevertheless, I am down to 6 FPS. While everything til 10 FPS felt still playable, 6 FPS really no longer feels comfortable. Therefore, the question for this thread would be:

How can I raise the FPS of a factory? Which designs take less computational power per produced item? Bot? Trains? Belts? What else is a big CPU hog?

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Re: Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

Post by Koub »

First of all, there are quite a lot of optimizations coming with 0.16 (which will not be there immediately though, but sool enough).
The more ups/fps friendly conception for megafactories is currently :
- heavily beaconized setups allow you to get more with less entities,
- bots are less ressource-heavy than belts, especially where they shine (short distances)
- produce where you mine as much as you can,
- use trains between your local factories.

[Edit] Also please post your save here : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17501 : You might provide the devs new optimization perspectives.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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Re: Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

Post by d3x0r »

Watching a Katherine of Sky video She mentioned a few times that underground belts help with FPS. (since they don't have to draw the items on them).

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Re: Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

Post by Frightning »

d3x0r wrote:Watching a Katherine of Sky video She mentioned a few times that underground belts help with FPS. (since they don't have to draw the items on them).
Yes, if you want to use belts, this increases UPS, but I believe robots still win if used intelligently.
I suspect that a modularized, train fed, beaconized, robot served layout would produce the highest UPS for a given (large) scale of production.

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Re: Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

Post by Patashu »

Also, solar/accu is better for UPS than nuclear because it has fewer moving parts to calculate. (In fact, I believe solar panels and accumulators that have the same charge are updated as a single entity, so building more does not change UPS.)

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Re: Which factory design will yield the highest FPS?

Post by Koub »

True, that was part of an optimization that came with ... 0.12-ish version if my memory does not fail me.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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