Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by senpaigaming »

hello everyone i just registered to the forum. After play demo I become interested, and after buy the game i play straight 12 hour non stop in front of my laptop. this game is so cool and have mods ! and yet so many content to explore, i never touch any circuit, power switch etc. is there any good tutorial ? please link it for me. :D
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by BrotherBeards »

It took a while but you really start to get used to it.
The vehicle controls are a bit ghosty for me but that's probably due to lag (hosting multiplayer server).

All in all loving the game so far, that fact that you can literally automate everything with a bit of 'know how' is awesome

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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by basementjack »


I played a few campaigns.
Stopped playing at new hope, where you have to build the plastic airplane.
I was getting stuck there, so I figured I'd play in a sandbox on peaceful so that I didn't have to worry about enemies.
Played Sandbox from start to ship launch - the first time is likely the best as each new technology uncovered is a new experience.

I really liked that just as some things got tedious (such as routing multiple conveyors) that new technology (like the flying robots) would arrive to improve the game experience.

One problem I have now, is going back to the Campaigns, the early state of tech has turned into a turnoff.

A few suggestions for improved gameplay/replay:
1) More campaigns, easier campaigns.
2) when starting a 'new' game, let the user choose which point in the technology tree the want to start from.
This way someone could kick off a new map, and already have say, oil/sulfer/plastics researched and could save a bunch of time.
3) Allow the player to fast forward time.
4) if possible, allowing a player to pause time, but sill walk around and collect things from chests, and construct things, would be helpful. During paused time, no mining would be done, conveyor belts would not move, inserters would be frozen, etc. But it could really help 'slower' players who want time to think about how to layout conveyors before the next wave of attacking monsters come.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Nitt »

RCT fan.
Sim City fan.
Demo option.
Like logicistical games. Love troubleshooting.
Symmetry ADHD (damn those power lines).
120+ hrs. - a bit addictive..yet to work out effective petroleum production.

Regards, Nitt


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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by SockPuppet »

1. I can automate all the things? Awesome!
2. How on earth do people find the patience to build such a huge base.
3. Wait.. where did those first 10 hours go?
4. Campaign isn't the most interesting. Went to normal games after two campaign levels. Maybe I should spend more time.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Brick »

Having played about 100 hours or so. I'd say that early and mid game are great. They feel rewarding and most of the time you don't even realize you spend so long on one thing. As such your base grows beyond what you probably had expected to be able to reach alone.

If the late game gets some better work done(Like what has been mentioned for the infinite research for example.) then it would be as close to perfect as it can get. Besides that the game really does hold a lot of fun things for player to toy with for hours on end.

Also while there is a map editor, i feel like it is somewhat barren. Mainly because of the fact that if you want to do something actually interesting you probably are going to need to work with lua scripts. Which you can only do outside of the map editor. Making it rather tedious and annoying to have to jump back and forth.

Regardless a really great game that has many good things going and even more coming to make it even better.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Matthias_Wlkp »

I'm getting close to 50 hrs on Steam, so I think I can write some "first impressions" ;).

Originally started with demo, played the full game (0.12) for 10 hrs, ditched, came back just recently - I'm now an addict :). I love the challenge, multiple ways of solving things etc. My job in real life is somewhat similar (apart from the shooting aliens) and it feels sometimes like doing overtime - still love it :). I'm yet to reach blue science, as I get frustrated at sub-par designs I make in the early game and start over...
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Dominoscraft »

I have had the game for 2 weeks now - Put 100 + hours in, rented a server to have a play around on and taken 2 days of work to play it ( called in sick of course ) 9.5 / 10 Dev's !
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Tenevie »

Only played for about 750 hours, so till I reach 10K hours and I can call myself "mastering factorio", I would say it's done pretty nice.

Oh, I blame the developers for all lost hours in their game because it's too adictive. But I surely like it, even after all those hours.

The fact that I got a savegame with over 150 hours gameplay in it says enough...
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by commandoby »

Игра, которую можно разглядывать бесконечно.
The game, which can be regarded infinitely.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Tenemo »

I loved the end-game depth instantly upon reaching it, in most games you get bored super fast after some progress - it's not the case here
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Enguard »

My first impression was being overwhelmed at the amount of stuff there was to do.
Then I learned to take things one step at a time :D
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

I would just like to say that I installed Bob's Mods last month and it's like discovering the game all over again o_O lots of running around going aaahhhh wtf am I doing, wtf is all this stuff to build and why do I need to build it omg why are bots so hard to get how do I get sulphur etc xD
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Xenomorph »

Start vanilla and lost 140h of my life.
Tried some mods - bam- 160h gone.

The best game I've ever played. And it's still early access.

For the next 300h :D
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by aober93 »

Yea it was the insane curve that was presented. But mostly logistically because everything else in this game is super clear. So at the time i had red science, my base was like spaghetti. And then i checked on whats necessary for green science and im like Oh shit, how am i getting this shit done with belts lol.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Daisyduck »

senpaigaming wrote:hello everyone i just registered to the forum. After play demo I become interested, and after buy the online games i play straight 12 hour non stop in front of my laptop. this game is so cool and have mods ! and yet so many content to explore, i never touch any circuit, power switch etc. is there any good tutorial ? please link it for me. :D
I can only agree with you, I have registered today and only find the game just cool. The game makes me really addicted I honestly did not expect. Simply great, only to recommend. :mrgreen: :D :P

Love greetings ;)
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Albrecht »

I first started a free play game, wondered why there was no tutorial, wondered why there was no music, derped around trying to figure out how to collect resources, got annoyed how slow collection was (couldn't figure out how to build a pickaxe), wondered why 'I' key didn't open my inventory, couldn't figure out how to actually open my inventory, then it got dark and I quit.

Started up again and discovered the actual tutorial, learned how to play the game, ran through the campaign, now completely addicted.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Sin316 »

My first impression was great.

But you soon hit the glass ceiling where you realise, that this is still very much an early access title and "that there is no real end game/long term motivation".

But as long as it is developing and you guys adding content, I'm sure it will get there eventually :)
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by xenosteel »

This game.... I have a lot to say about.
Before Factorio
Then.. I found Factorio.

At first, when I heard of Factorio the name honestly wasn't appealing. "Factorio? As in building Factories?.. um.. I'm not buying a game so I can play a job, no thanks".

Time passed, and as I was browsing games on Steam, I somehow noticed that Factorio had a positive rating of %98.7 !

"Holy hell... this must be much better than I initially thought!". And I was really happy to find out how mis-led I have been, and how my impression of the game because of its name was clearly wrong!

So how do I feel after playing Factorio for 50h.

If I have been asked to review the game from a critical point of view, I would say:

It's an absolutely great game! Does everything perfectly well, really fun, really engaging, and just.. Wow! And it's easily one of the most stable early access games I have ever played. It's actually more stable than RELEASED games!

If I have been asked to give a personal rating to the game:

This is THE GAME for me. It's the game that I've been looking for for over 20 years. I strongly believe that, even after about 28 years of gaming and the numbers of games that I've played, Factorio might eventually be my favorite game of all time. (Read spoiler tag above if you want to know why)

Thank you all, for making such a great game!
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by hitarmada »


An really interresting game with an huge modding community.
My only hope for this game will be an continuation or even more campaign levels I really liked the campaign in this game but it felt an little to short.
But overall an really good game.
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