Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Fearofgames »

I just can't stop :D
So good!
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Bill2 »

It is a interesting post, :D
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by illmaren »

didnt bought it first...wanted to see...
is it an asshat early access game where the half is bugged and the other half not finished?

but nope it is not...i bloody love it!
bought it on Steam and since then i spend more than 250 hours in this game :D
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by veracusse »

First impressions. . . the wife wants me to go to bed, but the factory needs more power. The factory needs me!

I think I can improve on the steam turbines if I just install steam burners. I just need to have more water pumps.

There is solar panels you say!! I guess I won't be getting sleep for a long while. Sorry wife, the factory needs me!!
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by mgiraud »

My wife is not going to like it... :evil: I spend too much time playing ! :oops:

Just the kind of game I like : not to simple, a bit realistic but not too much.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Furylax »

discover random steam games > factorio
Look the video > try the demo
Instant buy + spread the word around
We're now 6 to play
Let's see how many hours we'll play !
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Krunos »

A Friend comes to me and ask me if we wont to play this game. We bought it on Steam. Bevor i startet to play this game, i created a Server on my root. Now 11 Days later... I read the complete wiki, much forum post and played about 65 hours.
First impresion: "I'm already addicted"

bad English sry, (GER)
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by aober93 »

First impression. Movement is weird. Different controls between walking/car/tank .. and constantly tripping on belts..
Second impression.. the game is highly optimized for performance ,stability and compatibility.
Third impression. Combinators are difficult to understand for newbies. Adding the amount of ore from 2 sources with an arithmetic combinator set to + doesnt work. iron + iron = iron???! lol
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by bigrage »

the trains and the automation :D
Last edited by bigrage on Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by fpe »

First impression: OMG! Someone combined SpaceChem and OpenTTD!! Must Buy!
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Harichi »

I thought it was boring and tedious.

Then I automated things. That was when I realized this game is neither of those things.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

Well after a few days of giving it sideways glances and wondering if I had time to play it or if I should wait for it to go on sale, I bought it to support the fledgeling game.

Only it played like a completed game! Initially I had a few gripes, played the campaign first and before I even finished the "stock your car" level I was lamenting the lack of a machine that generates alerts, hoped it was in full freeplay mode but no...

Had great fun building my first factory, got to the rocket, filled it with parts and watched it go! "1% complete." F***. Restart.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Pusherbot »

Still early on.

- The look and feel has its charm but I feel like a High res sprites option would be nice in addition to the current normal. I run a 21:9 display at 2560x1080
- The research labs and the tech tree feel disconnected, I feel like the tech tree should launch when taking some form of click on the labs.. Took me a while to figure out "T". It isn't covered in the tutorial campaign.
- Over all everything feels quick and responsive
- Addicting once you get over the confusion hump
- I have a ultra wide screen I feel like i could be using up the space on the left with some persistent stats or something.. Maybe instead of having the stats pop up in the center of the screen they could come out from the side?
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Wolfy910 »

My first impression was not a good one. I played the game for a couple of hours trying to figure things out and became overwhelmed, confused and lost all interest. 'Bout a month later the game back into my mind and I decided to have a look into a few youtube videos to see if that helped the confusion. Happy to say it did, I have only just really gotten into playing this game properly and am now loving it ! Well done devs, I'm so happy I gave it a second go a cross between OpenTTD, Minecraft and the older feeling of games Ive played in the past is a perfect mix :D

To anyone who is lost when playing this for the first time go to youtube, it was a big help for me and I feel it will be for you to. Give the game a second chance it is well worth it.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by neocortex92 »

Showed some Friends the Game. This is what they come up with as i joined their Server to help them with their production:
20160912212251_1.jpg (319.5 KiB) Viewed 9518 times
20160912211854_1.jpg (941.25 KiB) Viewed 9518 times
I laughed because that was not what i expected :D :D :lol: Way too much belts... they will cause serious LAG in late Game. :D
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by ExcessionOz »

I recently found out about this game from a chance comment in a CCP Grey podcast, when he mentioned the game as one he still plays. I'd never heard of it before last week.

Found the demo, and puttered around in it, got dismayed by the gathering chores stopped to recuperate, and went looking for reviews and videos.

That was mind blowing. All this -stuff- going around the place, how the hell is is managed! And of course the answer is "it isn't"

Decided to register, then a few days later I gave in to my inner needy child and bought the game. Wheeee.

I must have watched 30+ hours of youtube videos. Beginners guides. Speed rocket runs. Belt Chains and Braids!. I watched someone using Bob's Mods and shook my head at the wildly complex interactions that were possible.

I'm currently taking small steps. Having a lot of issues with my lack-of-control, the need to accurately place things in order to use belts effectively, unsure about So Much Stuff, but certain that I want to know. When I saw someone paving the world (!) and making towns with their names carved into the map, I was grinning from ear to ear.

Great game, this is going to tickle an itch for an awful long time. (this is my first Factorio Forum post.)
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by aubergine18 »

A couple hundred hours in and I'm still forming my first impressions. I'll let you know after a few hundred more hours. Or maybe a few thousand.

What I really love about the game so far is the scale and flexibility of it. I'm only just starting to experiment with combinators, purple science, etc... and it looks like they will keep me occupied for a long time. I feel like I'm in control of the factory, rather than just a sort of passenger like so many other games.

As a modder, seeing the api documentation, and decent mods site, and thriving community, is also full of win. I feel the potential to extend this game in all directions is pretty much there, maybe with a few more tweaks to the API, which is very appealing to me.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how the surfaces feature pans out, I feel we're only scratching the surface (pun intended, but only after I noticed the pun as it would seem odd to say I didn't intend the pun for such an obvious pun...) of the surfaces feature of the game.

I feel cliffs and underground mines could give the gameplay a whole new dimension over and above what is already a great game.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by Philip017 »

well i didn't just buy the game... as i now have over 400 hours in the game, but thought this might be a good place to give my 2 cents.

the combinators still need some work, a little more refinement
example i want to compare 2 copper plate lines, currently i can't do that i have even tried the *1 with the arithmetic combinators, and get nothing out? maybe im doing it wrong, or there is some bug...

the roboports,

logistics drones:
1) i love getting deliveries, and having them move things around when i didn't plan great for something late game.
2) why do i get denied my delivery when the drone is just about out of juice? i have seen too many times the drone come all the way to me, turn around and go get charged and come back and make the delivery. if i have a roboport, just charge off me and then give me my delivery, i usually end up having to run over to a robo port and wait there to finish my deliveries or i end up not getting what i want in the time i want it, sometimes i just don't know the lay of the land as i didn't build it all, or made it somewhat inaccessible.

construction drones:
oh my these may be just my personal preference, but i have seen other posts wanting the exact opposite of this.
1. i would like my personal roboport construction drones (my robots) to have even higher priority than the logistic systems home base construction robots (base robots).
example: when i am building or deconstructing i want my robots to do all the work, and the base robots only take over if i walk out of range, or i am missing the ingredients needed for the blueprint. if i walk out of range the base robots take over, but when i walk back in range my robots jump out and take over.
also in multiplayer, my orders to build something or remove something should be done by my robots, not my team mate standing next to me
*perhaps this could be an option somewhere so that those that want the base robots to do all the work when with in range of the base, while the personal robots only work when outside of the base range.

2. i would like to see the placement of blue prints a little more seamless, i don't know how many times i've tried to place a massive solar field blueprint and there was 1 tree or rock that i missed somewhere and i can't place the blueprint.
example: when there is a rock or tree in the way, i can still place the blueprint, just that one robot will get out to grab the offending rock or tree first then other robots will place the structures.

3. when using the personal roboport it sure would be nice if they worked a bit different than the base robots.
a) they shouldn't need to hover around me to charge when they are done with their job, just jump back in and charge.
b) instead of jumping out naked, they should grab whatever item, like a repair kit, and go do the job.
c) robots just about of juice should not be assigned a job, if all robots are needing charge or otherwise busy it goes into a que where the next available robot gets that job.
d) robots close to me get the job, those further away dont get a job assigned to them until they are near me
i have had a robot jump out and not grab something or run out of juice so far away from me and still be assigned a job, i just have to do it myself if i want it done, example when i am riding my train ill sometimes have one jump out to make a repair but im miles away before i even notice and then i have to deal with things like this.

4. priority's: right now it seems that the robots do random things imo it needs to be more structured.
a) Repair first, unless a deconstruction order is applied to the structure being in need of repair.
b) Construct second - power lines should be the first of items that should be laid down, as nothing works with out power (unless something is in the way, then deconstruct the offending rock, tree)
c) Deconstruct should happen last, and leave the power lines for dead last.
e) when issuing what to build or deconstruct, items closer to me should be built or removed first

i can not figure out the stop signals, they are quite non - intuitive to me, if i place one to stop a train at an intersection, and then place the next one they both end up red and non functional, or blink non functional, i don't get it, i end up trying to keep all my trains on separate lines and only have ones that i drive cross over automated ones. yes i have tried to read some things about the trains, but it all ends up being over my head. it would be nice if i could put down just one signal, wire it up to the circuit network and it just work, but it doesn't. perhaps better tool tips could help with this overly complicated and difficult part of the game.

when i upgrade them, it would be nice to see how many it will pick up at a glance, instead i try and watch it and see if it grabs 1,2,4 ect..

i got me a item count mod, love that mod, i can actually see how many of what item i am holding i have left in my inventory, not just the stack. why is this not the default?

tool belt:
i like how my backpack is auto-sorted, but when i pickup something - somethings go to my backpack, others go into my tool belt. i would also like an option to balance my tool belt with my backpack.
1) if i have less than a full stack in my tool belt and more in my backpack, my tool belt item is auto filled to the stack limit or whatever i have left in my inventory.
2) items don't get picked up and placed on my tool belt unless i already have them on my tool belt and less than a full stack. this should also apply to items delivered.

personal laser defense:
this seemed like a good idea, but i think it does not receive bonuses from upgrades to laser turrets and then becomes less of a good idea. maybe it could receive the same upgrades when doing the research that the ones you place on the ground get?

the pausing of the game in the beginning is not so bad, but as my save file grows the pause becomes more and more invasive, my 200mb save takes a unexpected 10 seconds out of what should be a fluid game play experience, and there is no warning it is coming and very annoying, i think this is the first game i have played that has the save function pause the game so forcefully. in multiplayer it is even more disturbing as it pauses the game twice. a simple counter that shows time to auto save pause would help, but if it wasn't for the fact i have been in a jam more often that i would like to admit, i would disable the auto-save, but instead i have to deal with the pause, i just have it set to once a day (every 10 mins).

these comments are in relation to v13.20 and i hope that they are helpful to those that are interested in my first thoughts.
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by teranicus »

Love this game
Not quite sure how it came up on my steam page but it looked interesting but at £15 I was not too interested
But then saw it had a free demo
Such a small down load ... Hmm can't be that good...
After demo... Must buy this game!!!

Now about 10 hours in started again once
Discovered it was 2am last night so just had to stop and go to bed work life becons

This is one of those games where it starts of being simple and rapidly becomes more then more and even more
You are something then need more iron or steel or plastics engines etc...
I think you need to play through multiple times to get better each play through helps you improve
I watched a YouTube series to get some help but that feels like cheating so in trying not to let that get ahead of where I am
Recommend having a go then do some research

At the moment i expanded and using lots of coal and generating loads of pollution so the nearby creatures started to attack
Oh noes had to start making turrets as my base was too big to protect it myself

Then production just stopped I had electric coal extractors that needed electricity and my other activities smelting iron to steel used load all of sudden no coal for my steam generators no power no coal everything ground to a halt
Loved this and having to work out how to get the system going again
Going to look into going solar now and reduce my carbon use wonder if you can go zero carbon?

Also just getting started on oil just when I had a handle on steel and such
I've not even started the trains yet...

For me this game could do with a little more hand holding
Get people more into the game... work through tutorials on oil or other concepts
Maybe these exist in scenarios etc...

There are people that love working things out for themselves I'm one of them
But some of the things in the tech tree are obvious what they do and some not so need to make them and have a play to see what they do

I'm an engineer in real life and this game appeals to me on so many levels I'm a designer not in manufacturing so I know some basics of flow control but I'm not good at it
I love this game and there looks like more to come and modding to get into may even do some myself if I can't find something I would like

I would love to see a hydrogen economy, wind power, nuclear power which I read somewhere maybe coming
I've not got into the supply demand having long lines of stuff on belts seems wastefull resources seem a bit abundant to me atm but maybe this can be changed to make a real challenge and force you to take on the aliens
Another alien race to take on...

This game will keep be hooked for ages
For such a simple game with basic graphics ...
Love it keep up the good work devs
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Re: Just bought the game; What were Your first impressions?

Post by TheVulcan »


Game needs a disclaimer.
It's just to damn addictive.
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