Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Jaque_Thay »

I completed it today with 104 hand crafts. I could have done it in 99 though (I didn't even realise I'd made the mistake until I was a few hours in).

Code: Select all

Iron Axe 2 (The very first thing I made in the game was a mistake!)
- Iron Stick 1
Small Electric Pole 5
- Wood 3
- Copper Cable 4
Steam Engine 16
- 5x Iron Gear Wheel 6-10
- 5x Pipe 11-15
Boiler 19
- Stone Furnace 17 (this was one of my mistakes. I made a second stone furnace - I could have waited until I had all the copper and iron plates necessary and used the free starting furnace instead of crafting one)
- Pipe 18
Offshore Pump 27
- Iron Gear Wheel 20
- Pipe 21
- 2x Electronic Circuit 25-26
-- 3x Copper Wire (3 crafts = 6 pieces) 22-24
Lab 69
- 10x Electronic Circuit 43-52
-- 15x Copper Wire (15 crafts = 30 pieces) 28-42
- 10x Iron Gear Wheel 53-62
- 2x Transport Belt (2 crafts = 4 pieces) 65-66
-- 2x Iron Gear Wheel 63-64
10x Red Science beakers 77-86
- 10x Iron Gear Wheel 67-76
Assembling Machine 1 100
- 3x Electronic Circuit 92-94
-- 5x Copper Wire (5 crafts = 10 pieces leaving one left over) 87-91
- 5x Iron Gear Wheel 95-99
Assembling Machine 2 101
(I used the initial Assembly Machine 1 to create all the parts needed, and Assembly Machine 1 was the final ingredient)
Oil Refinery 102
(All the parts needed were created by Assembly Machines but this was too large to fit in so had to be hand crafted)
I don't know what my final two slots went on - I might have accidentally crafted a second axe at some point.

Once I had blue science up and running I used an Assembly Machine 2 to make an Assembly Machine 3. This was then used to build the launch pad and satellite (plus extra oil refineries)
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by vedrit »

In theory, wouldn't you only need a single assembler? Just take a little longer to do it
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Jaque_Thay »

The Assembler 1 can only make items that require one or two ingredients - one of the first things you need to do is get automation 2 (doable with just red science which you can create the components for with your one assembler) then hand crafting a single Assembler 2 (using your existing Assembler 1 as one of the ingredients). The Assembler 2 you've just built can now make more Assembler 1s and 2s.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Bergzwerg »

i finished the acihevment with 107 items crafted.
heres my list:
0-2 1Iron Sticks 1Iron Axe
2-8 2 Furnace 3 Iron Gears 1 Burner Drill
8-11 1 Furnace 1 Pipe 1 Boiler
11-22 5 Iron Gears 5 Pipe 1 Steam Engine
22-30 1 Iron Gears 1 Pipe 3 Cable 2 Green C 1 Pump
30-33 1 Cable 1 Wood 1 Eelectric Pole
33-73 12 Iron Gears 2 Belt 15 Cable 10 Green C 1 Lab
73-93 10 Iron Gears 10 Red Packs
93-107 5 Iron Gears 5 Cable 3 Green C 1 Assembler

sorry for the mess, i have tabs in my notepad :(

EDIT: took me quite some time to get the initial assembler 2, but after that it's a cakewalk.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Neemys »

Bergzwerg wrote:i finished the acihevment with 107 items crafted.
heres my list:

Code: Select all

0-2				1Iron Sticks			1Iron Axe		
2-8				2 Furnace				3 Iron Gears	1 Burner Drill
8-11			1 Furnace				1 Pipe			1 Boiler
11-22			5 Iron Gears			5 Pipe			1 Steam Engine
22-30			1 Iron Gears			1 Pipe			3 Cable				2 Green C			1 Pump
30-33			1 Cable					1 Wood			1 Eelectric Pole
33-73			12 Iron Gears			2 Belt			15 Cable			10 Green C			1 Lab
73-93			10 Iron Gears			10 Red Packs
93-107			5 Iron Gears			5 Cable			3 Green C			1 Assembler
sorry for the mess, i have tabs in my notepad :(

EDIT: took me quite some time to get the initial assembler 2, but after that it's a cakewalk.
don't you miss a refinery somewhere ?

Put your text in code to have the tab ;)
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by steinio »

Would you upload the save? :mrgreen:

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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by OkariDraconis »

Finaly got Achievement, went for a few others too at the same time:
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Bergzwerg »

Neemys wrote:
don't you miss a refinery somewhere ?
you're right!
I may have abandoned the list at that point :>
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by LazyLoneLion »

Got achievement with 102 handcrafts.
Could be less -- I just didn't care about any records. Could have skipped crafting iron pick at least, maybe something else too.

Here is the playlist.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by OdinYggd »

I just got the achievement with exactly 100 items.

Firstoff, I used the provided furnace as a chest for the burner drill. This made it possible to fairly easily mine several stacks of coal right out of the gate with only a little patience. Great time to cut wood for future wooden poles.

Then I had the burner drill mine 2 stacks each of copper and iron directly into the furnace, smelting it.

I built the offshore pump and steam engine, but did not make the boiler just yet.

Next was the lab and the red packs to go into it. Enough to unlock the Assembler 1 once the labs had the power to do so.

From here I created the boiler using the provided furnace in order to avoid crafting another. This got the steam engine running, and powered the labs.

Once the Assembler 1 was unlocked, I used it to make wooden chests for the miner to work into and to make the science packs needed to unlock the assembler 2. This part is very tedious, because in order to avoid hand crafting anything you have to use that assembler 1 for EVERYTHING. Usually I would make several furnaces in the assembler, but I still only had that one burner drill because drills need more than one ingredient to make.

It gets easier though once you get the Assembler 2 unlocked. Even though you will have to hand craft the Assembler 2, do so by consuming the Assembler 1. And then use the Assembler 2 to make more Assembler 1s that can be upgraded to Assembler 2s. Your factory is now self-replicating, and can finally grow at a much more reasonable pace.

From the Assembler 2, the only other thing you need to make by hand is the first oil refinery. Once you have that first refinery, you can unlock the Assembler 3- and the Assembler 3 is able to make everything else you might need including additional oil refineries and the rocket bay.

It took me 88 hours to complete my run, but I also am very slow building and exploring with a lot of rip up and redo sort of operations. Might have fallen asleep at my controls a time or two as well.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by torham »

you guys are extreme. Do you have to rebind the craft keys to something else to avoid accidentally crafting something?
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by BlakeMW »

Nah you just lock the achievement so it appears in the top-left corner of the screen together with a count of how many items you have crafted. That way you stay mindful of it.

It'd probably be pretty smart to exclusively play the lazy bastard save to completion though.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by xanrael »

It's also easier if you don't carry any raw materials around with you. I definitely clicked to start crafting one or twice out of habit, but I didn't have mats so nothing happened.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by PKing Zombie Spy »

torham wrote:you guys are extreme.
Possibly. The early game certainly plays very differently. Past automation 2, it basically plays like any other game of Factorio, more or less.
torham wrote:Do you have to rebind the craft keys to something else to avoid accidentally crafting something?
For me, yes. I don't consider myself any more twitchy than the next person, but my forefinger will eventually over the course of hours spasm. I now must press "control" while clicking an item to craft it.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Harkonnen604 »

I am currently at 104 (refinery built). Things I could save on:

1. Store initial coal in furnace instead of crafting wooden chest for it (good idea!). That saves 3 crafts and you don't need to stand by the drill gathering coal one by one for aeons.
2. Do not make axe to harvest trees during initial smelting (just to not get bored). That saves 2 crafts.
3. Use initial furnace to make a boiler (must be careful to have enough plates smelted). That saves 1 more craft.

That brings me to a theoretical minimum of 104-3-2-1 = 98

The 98 build in details:
- Get like 400 coal (probably less) by targeting furnace with a drill. Power up with a single cut tree, no axe needed.
- Get like 400 iron and like 200 copper plates using same approach (probably less)
- Build offshore pump, boiler, steam engine, power pole, lab. Consume initial furnace to craft boiler.
- Research automation (with manual crafting of bottles)
- Craft assembler mk1
- Build drills/furnaces using assembler to keep things going.
- Research automation2 (build gears and bottles in assembler)
- Craft assembler mk2 (make all ingredients using assembler mk1 and consume that assembler mk1 in the end)
- Craft one refinery
- Research automation3 using that single refinery
- Build assembler mk3 (using assembler mk2) to build more refineries
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by hi_impact »

I decided to shelve my Lazy Bastard save until the map gen was fixed (and it just was), so this is all still valuable information. When I did start I got to about oil before I quit that save.

I think using some of my free crafts will go to more burner drills after automation I. Because burner drills actually require a blue assembler to make, you can make the gears and furnaces with your assembler1 and do a singular craft for each one. Maybe like 4 total iron burners and 1 copper, with two of the iron burners occasionally switching to coal.

Speeding up that early game of ~1-2 hours for Automation II is key for my sanity.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by BlakeMW »

Burner drills are a big fat waste, by the time you can automate the intermediates for a burner drill, you can just as easily automate the intermediates for an electric drill which will mine twice as quickly, the enforced 1 steam engine can run half a dozen machines but even if you've maxed out the first steam engine you're better off making 1 steam engine and 1 electric drill than 2 burner mining drills - because you get just as fast mining, plus enough spare power to run another half dozen machines.

IIRC in my lazy run I made about 4 electric mining drills and 2 steam engines, several assemblers and an extra lab, for that phase I handcrafted extra machines so liberally it didn't even feel much slower than usual. I saved only 3 "discretionary" crafting points from the pre assembler-2 phase, 1 which I spent on a 2nd refinery, 1 I accidentally spent on a small pump, and I finished the game at 110/111 crafts.
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Harkonnen604 »

A big fat waste is crafting tools for harvesting anything but the trees (each costing 2 craft points). Another late evil message (besides 5-items refinery) is blueprints and deconstruction planner :) They can be built in assembly, but reflex of crafting them manually was so strong that I am currently at 108/111 :)
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by terror_gnom »

Yeah, the blueprints forced me to reload my savegame :P But its done now with 111 Items crafted :D
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Re: Lazy Bastard Achievement - No hand crafting challenge

Post by Daid »

torham wrote:you guys are extreme. Do you have to rebind the craft keys to something else to avoid accidentally crafting something?
After a while you have just construction plants setup for everything. And it actually plays quicker then hand crafting. And you no longer really think about the option of handcrafting anything.

I did carry around a lot of raw materials, and a bunch of assembling machines. So I could quickly set those up to produce something on the spot.

Hardest part was that I did the "no logistic robots" achievement at the same time. Which means you do a lot of "grab this from there"
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