Ammunition as a resource sink

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Long Handed Inserter
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Ammunition as a resource sink

Post by ray4ever »

In the current form of the game you mainly need your resources besides from building for the creation of science packs e.g. research and your laser turrets handling the defense (only needing power).
I think there should be a bigger need to actually produce ammunition to defend against the biters. This would make the late game a bit more interesting, because than you have to search even more for new ore deposits and built a transport/logistic system to transport the ammunition to your turrets. With the game going on, better ammunition should be necessary to defend and be more complex to assemble, encouraging you to extend your production lines even more.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree that the importance of ammunition should be increased or do you think that this would lead only to more hassle?
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Re: Ammunition as a resource sink

Post by Coolthulhu »

There are plans to make all kinds of ammunition useful. That would certainly make it a better resource sink than having just bad gun turrets and good laser ones.
Unfortunately this will require things like turret AI rework (don't want to waste rockets on small biters) and a load of balancing, so it has to wait.
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