Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by Balinor »

Tanks in their current form are worthless to me. I'm hoping they eventually can either be automated or they will offer a meaningful alternative to tier 3 armour. I still want my robot deathsquads that I can send out to harvest biter nests though while I continue building my base :D
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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by fcaf »

I've found the tank to be great, though maybe not in the way it was intended.

If you have a personal roboport (which you're going to have anyway) and poison capsules (good use of coal), the tank is great even up through Big biters, worms, and spitters. You're immune to poison damage while inside the tank, so just lay down a thick poison cloud outside of aggro range, drive into it, and let the poison do the work killing the biters/spitters while you gun down the bases with the turret. Poison capsule throw range is long enough you can take out worms without getting hit by them, and construction robots will repair you mid-combat. It's basically foolproof.

I don't even bother with the cannon.
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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by Rahjital »

Tanks suck for the same reason flamethrower sucks, they have no upgrades. You can't upgrade their speed or durability, you can't upgrade the cannon at all, you can't upgrade the machinegun rate of fire (and bullet damage itself doesn't cut it), and to top it off, they were supposed to need only green science instead of blue. Compared to that you can improve power armour by finishing the MK2 research, while bots and shotguns have enough upgrade research to make them useful later on as well. It's really no wonder so few people bother with tanks, I personally ditch them once big biters start to appear.
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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by 3trip »

Why do small and medium biters even hurt the tank? I know of no animal on earth that can damage a tank, so why are small biters even harming the tank?

the worst case scenerio I can think of when dealing with small biters is if one gets wedged inside one or both tracks, jamming them. Oh and the player runs out of ammo and is trapped inside, that is the worst case scenerio I can think of.

Tanks should be immune to small and medium biters and spitters, only larger animals should be able to harm the tank.
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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by BluetoothThePirate »

Small biters can also eat through stone brick walls pretty quickly, so clearly they're outperforming earth creatures on damage output.

I think the tank (and the car) are in need of some research items to improve them a bit. The only reason to use one later in the game is that massive extra inventory space. The explosive shells were a decent upgrade for the AOE damage but they're worse at killing worms and bases. Since you need to open the GUI to change ammo types (or get clever with the hotbar) I just don't bother. There should be a research chain for vehicle speed, vehicle armor, and one for shell damage at the very least. There should also be two ammo slots for the main gun that you can swap between, so you can either fill both with the same shell or use both kinds.

Vehicle remote control, available as four-color research, would be a neat option. Let you control tanks and cars inside your radar range, maybe require a satellite launch to make it work globally.
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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by Jirover »

YOU WILL NEVER DIE - If played correctly, you can take thousands of hit points of damage and not even give a flip. You can waltz around under their turret and just dance like you don't care, and leave when you feel like it. The power to go anywhere, do anything. The power of a Tank.
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Re: Guys, How do you feel about the killing power of tanks.

Post by Tev »

First you have to assume disabled turret creep, that truly ruins combat balance.

Then you have to realize that Tank is cheap power armor with legs.

So it's (compared to shooting stuff) extremely fast and resource-efficient way of clearing nests up to big biters (you spend only resource packs) by simply running over everything you dislike.
And up until behemoths and/or power armor and/or high follower count it's great for distractor bots deploying. With some destroyers floating around you can pretty safely wipe bases even on max biters . . .

Ammo is weak, for worm clearing poison capsules are clearly superior (which might be a tad overpowered too), so that could use some buff. But maybe I haven't found good use for it, on lower difficulties I did snipe worms and bases with it . . .

So tanks are fine as a midgame assault device. And if you manage to get it early it just crushes smallbiter opposition, you can then wipe out huge portion of the map.
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