Game looses focus (mouse/keyboard actions get ignored) [0.17.x]

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Game looses focus (mouse/keyboard actions get ignored) [0.17.x]

Post by emp_zealoth »

I've got a doozy. I'm on a Win10 system, i4790k, 32gb ram, 1070, two screens - one on DP and one on HDMI
Ever since 0.17 came out I've been having a weird problem that doesn't happen with anything other on my PC. (And I kinda assume it's two sides of same coin)

I get "sticky" keys (often shift or tab but it might be other keys too) - while playing Factorio. If I ONLY press tab, quite often steam overlay comes up (shift + tab), or alt, to see inserter settings etc, the game will alt-tab.

The other issue is, this (or willful alt-tabs/clicking off onto a 2nd screen) can cause the game window to permamently to loose focus (as Windows understands that). This results with the game running perfectly fine at 60 fps, autosaving, etc, just blackholing all my inputs, so the only way out is to just close it from the OS level, which with all the mods I have ends up pretty annoying in the long run :oops:
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