Help debugging a network condition (outside latency window)

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Help debugging a network condition (outside latency window)

Post by engineX »

A permanent network condition prevents me from connecting to any server. All servers on the public list show as "can't reach". "Connect to server" to my my own headless on a hosted machine fails.

This is not a Factorio issue since things were working up to a certain date, same setup, same server, same client. However, the client log shows significant errors which may shed some light on the actual issue and help fixing it :

Code: Select all

heartbeat sequence number (1114) outside latency window [492, 1092)
repeated hundrer of times. The ping packet is delayed, or lost, or corrupted.

Full log:

Feel free to connect to test. I'm pretty sure it will work since the issue is on my ISP's side (hint : v4 to v4overv6 tunnelling).

Any help appreciated.
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