Requester chests not working

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Requester chests not working

Post by k3null3d »

So there is a problem in my world and i'm not sure if i did something wrong, or if this is a bug (just updated to 0.16.13, but i'm not exactly sure if this was a problem before the update)

All request chests in the network have the same problem, they are getting a very little amount of the resources they need, also there are a lot of available logistic robots in the network.

This is a screenshot of one of the requester chests (most of the chests don't work as they used to anymore):


This used to work properly before, and the majority of the robots were being used.

I attached my save to someone that could figure this out.

Factorio save
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Re: Requester chests not working

Post by Loewchen »

That is a bug and fixed for the next release.
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Re: Requester chests not working

Post by Stumpyofpain »

Loewchen wrote:That is a bug and fixed for the next release.
good to now, was just about to write a bug report about it.
that bug crashed my production -.-

for the most time only 5-30 logistic robots from up too 400 are in use because of that.
i like your speed of bugfixing :)
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