2 remarks

Anything that prevents you from playing the game properly. Do you have issues playing for the game, downloading it or successfully running it on your computer? Let us know here.
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2 remarks

Post by grimduck »

Remark 1

After updating from 19 to 21 the game crashed during startup. I updated via the in game update, so version 19 was running fine and version 21 was no longer working.
White flash window that seems to try to init something retries a few times and then fails with a messagebox saying "failed to create display!".

After a reboot of my laptop this problem is gone. So maybe a memory issue I do not know. Sorry no log file of the crash I did not find it until just now.

We're using the 64 bit version.

Remark 2

Factorio does something very different on my laptop then on my wife's laptop during startup on all version I've played. On here laptop it starts and opens in maximized window, expected behavior.
On my laptop it does not open up at all, the game is running perfect. I have to hover over the icon of factorio in the taskbar and wait for the windows preview (which shows loading screen or menu), then right click and select maximize. This then brings up the game.

It looks and feels like factorio is rendering on a secondary monitor but I do not have a secondary monitor attached.

Keep up the good work, this game is one of the most enjoyable game and my wife and myself love playing coop, we're having a blast. (until she runs over me with a tank :lol:
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Re: 2 remarks

Post by Koub »

grimduck wrote: It looks and feels like factorio is rendering on a secondary monitor but I do not have a secondary monitor attached.
Maybe you could try a trick of mine, that always worked for me since Win95 (assuming you play on Windows) on similar symptoms :

On your wife's laptop, once Factorio is running, shift-right-click (or simple right-click, depending on the Windows version you use) on Factorio, select "move" in the drop-down menu, and then, hit any of the directional arrows on the keyboard. It should draw the window title on your mouse cursor (and might move your cursor on one edge of your screen). Then, move the Factorio window on the center of your screen, and quit the game. If you have the problem we both think there might be, next execution should open Factorio within the limits of your screen.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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