[1.1.94]Server pauses when someone joins/server saves map whereas non blocking saving is set to true

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[1.1.94]Server pauses when someone joins/server saves map whereas non blocking saving is set to true

Post by Masamune00 »


I've a server hosted on " Debian GNU/Linux 12 ", and the server settings contains the following setting :
"autosave_only_on_server": true,
"non_blocking_saving": true,

However the server saves every time someone joins or when it saves the map, any idea why ?

I thought on linux that it would fork the process that saves it to avoid this issue..? Or is there anything to install for it to work..?

Thanks in advance,
Last edited by Masamune00 on Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Server pauses when someone joins/server saves map whereas non blocking saving is set to true

Post by Rseding91 »

The multiplayer logic requires it pause to prepare the save file right then. non-blocking only happens during auto-saves and only on mac/linux.

Did you actually set the values to true and un-comment them? Or are they still commented out?
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[1.1.94]Re: Server pauses when someone joins/server saves map whereas non blocking saving is set to true

Post by Masamune00 »

It's on 1.1.94, here is the log and the setting file screenshots (seems fine, not commented..) :


Second image :

it's so confusing. We are running on a scenario too, but I don't think it should be related to the issue.
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