Cannot log out of my account on Switch

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Cannot log out of my account on Switch

Post by spider-worm »

I have bought Factorio for several of my family members over the years so we can play together. I bought it two days ago for my nephew on his Nintendo Switch. When I started it up and went to verify cross-platform multiplayer was working with a server I was running on PC and it prompted me to log in with my account. Not realizing the problems it would cause, I just logged in with my personal one since my nephew did not have one.

Now I can't log out of my on my nephew's Switch so that he can log in. There is a log out button, which seems to claim that I have logged out after clicking it, but then if I try to log back in, it doesn't prompt us with a username/password form so that my nephew (who now does have a account) can enter his credentials. Instead, it just logs me directly back in. We thought that maybe deleting the game and reinstalling, or deleting save game data, might put the game in a state again where he could log in, but no combination of those things we tried seem to work.

I need the ability to log myself out, to actually log myself out, not whatever this pretend logout is, of my nephew's Nintendo Switch. I emailed support several days ago and have received, up to this point, no reply, not even an auto-generated response.
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Re: Cannot log out of my account on Switch

Post by Klonan »

Hello, I just got back to your email this morning,

For reference unlinking Switch account is something we are working to adding to our backend and frontend,
This is the first case reported to us, to it took a little bit of extra time to sort out what we needed to do and make a plan

If anybody needs their Switch ID unlinked, for now please write an email to
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Re: Cannot log out of my account on Switch

Post by spider-worm »

Thanks so much for looking into this!

Unfortunately there's the same problem... When I log out and try to log back in, it automatically logs me back into my account, and no prompt is given for my nephew to log in. Also, when I log in to, I can see my account is linked to the Nintendo Switch.

Thanks again for your help.
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Re: Cannot log out of my account on Switch

Post by briermay »

Curious how close this is to being finished. Experiencing same problem but can wait if it’s close to being implemented
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Re: Cannot log out of my account on Switch

Post by Tinman7577 »

This is happening to me too! I'd like to host on my PC and play from my switch on the go.
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