FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

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FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by MartinG »

I'm busy converting my conveyor bus mega base to a train mega base.
I cleared a space equal to the current base size, closed it off, paved it and laid solar around the perimiter.
88.4 GW worth of Solar and 31k robo ports - to give you an idea of size.

To get the new space ready for trains, I added 60 k construction robots (Lvl 18) for 90k total, and while these guys are running around the FPS/UPS is low 30s.

So, now that initial construction is finished, and the base is off, i.e. production is almost 0 and FPS/UPS is 60/60, I find that when using personal robots to deconstruct something, the robots would fly out at normal speed, but just as they are about to pick up the item, they'd "pause" and the FPS/UPS would suddenly drop to high 30s or so. The game itself seems to "pause" for a split second, then the personal robots pick it up and the FPS/UPS goes back to 60/60.
The logic network's construction robots doesn't seem to have this issue when picking up items.

Is this "lag" due to the number of robots in the logic network - even though they are not active?
Or is something else perhaps going on here?
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by Genhis »

Hello, could you post your save file?
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by MartinG »

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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by MartinG »

I "lured and trapped" 65 k of the 90 K construction robots in steel chests - but the game still "pauses" when robots deconstruct items.
Sometimes it doesn't, usually it does. Especially with Roboports and power poles, but that might just be because that's what I'm deconstructing most of the time.

This pause is quite annoying ...
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by Genhis »

I thought the issue is related to deconstruction by robots but that doesn't seem to be the case. You have a lot of electric poles in your network and I experienced freezes every time I mined one of them. It may be happening because neighboring poles need to check if they are still part of the same network. I haven't tested roboports but it could be a similar issue.

You could try posting your save in the optimizations thread and describing when exactly freezes happen: 17501
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by MartinG »

Thanks, I'll post it there.

I'm busy removing all the Roboports from the solar fields, no need for them after construction is done.
Plus clearing roboports and poles from the open spaces - hopefully performance will improve.
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by ptx0 »

i think it's the circuit wires.
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by Rseding91 »

I looked into it and there were a few slow areas around electric pole wires and circuit wires. I've improved them for the next 1.1.x release.

They still have worse-case O(N) complexity but in most cases they early-abort before N exceeds a handfull (20~). Before they were always O(N) where N is the number of electric poles in the network at the time you remove one of them.

As for the roboports: removing one has O(N) complexity always and I don't currently have a solution for it. In this case N is the number of logistic entities in the network.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: FPS / UPS dropping suddenly

Post by MartinG »

Ok, Sounds good.

I'll continue cleaning up un-needed poles etc. since they need to go anyway.
At least this is only an issue during demo it seems, which won't last forever.

Thank you!
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