Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

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Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by foze_XD »

So i am really new to the game and i've been noticing that sometimes (not always) when i zoom in and walk it would stutter or chopiness like its very low frames, i have gtx 1080 and a i7 6700k so i dont think its performance issue. and i am playing on the latest 17 version. i enabled fps/ups and its always on 60. and i don't have any mod, i really wish i can fix it because its unpleasing to play like this it looks like a really awesome game and i wanna enjoy it :(
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Walking or zooming in makes game choppy/stutter

Post by foze_XD »

So i have no mods, and i have a strong pc With gtx 1080 and i7 6700k. and i turned on fps/usp and its always on 60.
Last edited by foze_XD on Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged two threads.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by slippycheeze »

The first place I'd suggest you start looking is to verify there are no driver or hardware issues causing this. While there probably aren't, checking that out is really quick, and might save you some time and pain. (ps: just because it only happens sometimes doesn't mean it can't be a hardware issue, just that it probably isn't.)

Grab GPU-Z and check you have a 16x PCI-E connection with the graphics card, and that it has good power -- especially when you are doing whatever makes it stutter. Sometimes the card can work a bit loose, or the power connector can, and that shows up like this.

You should also check out the temperatures, and make sure they are reasonable. Check the fans to make sure they are clean and working -- sometimes the temperature sensors are in parts of the card that are fine, but a fan elsewhere is stuck and overheats something that causes issues.

Finally, make sure you have upgraded to the latest drivers for the graphics card.
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by Adamo »

foze_XD wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:23 am So i am really new to the game and i've been noticing that sometimes (not always) when i zoom in and walk it would stutter or chopiness like its very low frames, i have gtx 1080 and a i7 6700k so i dont think its performance issue. and i am playing on the latest 17 version. i enabled fps/ups and its always on 60. and i don't have any mod, i really wish i can fix it because its unpleasing to play like this it looks like a really awesome game and i wanna enjoy it :(
What OS are you using? I play on linux with similar specs, and for the many years I've played this game there's always been a horizontal rendering cut (essentially a lack of v-sync) that is notice-able when I move quickly across the board. Is your thing just that? I've figured they're getting around to it.
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by Deadlock989 »

I recently had FPS issues when I switched up to 4K, despite having none in other much more graphically demanding games.

Turned out I had atlas size turned up way too high ("largest possible"). Picking a smaller option on the atlas size list made everything smooth as butter again.
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by raiguard »

Replying to this to avoid making a duplicate.

Ever since I switched to Linux I have been dealing with constant microstuttering in Factorio. It is constant - and only happens with Factorio. Turning off Force Composition Pipeline fixes the stutter, but introduces enormous screen tearing that is even more unbearable than the stuttering. Switching to Windows completely eliminates the stutter and makes the game 100% smooth.

I attempted Deadlock's solution of decreasing atlas size, but it made no difference. I wanted to try with Wayland, but I cannot get Wayland to function on my NVIDIA GPU yet. Anyone have any other ideas?

Here is a cell phone video showing the stutter, since it does not show up on OBS: https://youtu.be/uFsCnez1_Xw.

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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by NotRexButCaesar »

Raiguard wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:32 am Turning off Force Composition Pipeline fixes the stutter, but introduces enormous screen tearing … it does not show up on OBS
I wonder if you have Wait for VSync enabled or not?: it looks like your FPS in the upper right never goes above 60, where when I play if it goes to 59.9 it always compensates at 60.1. I would try toggling it, as that has fixed issues for me before.
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by raiguard »

NotRexButCaesar wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 8:38 pm
Raiguard wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:32 am Turning off Force Composition Pipeline fixes the stutter, but introduces enormous screen tearing … it does not show up on OBS
I wonder if you have Wait for VSync enabled or not?: it looks like your FPS in the upper right never goes above 60, where when I play if it goes to 59.9 it always compensates at 60.1. I would try toggling it, as that has fixed issues for me before.
It does help a bit in some situations, but it actually makes it worse overall. Thanks for the suggestion though!
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Re: Walking or zooming makes my game Choppy/Stutter

Post by raiguard »

I have discovered that Factorio is not the only game that is stuttering on my PC. Any game that is not in exclusive fullscreen has the stutter. This is likely a driver, compositor, or Xorg issue rather than a Factorio issue.
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