[1.1.1] - Tutorial

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[1.1.1] - Tutorial

Post by MakeItGraphic »

- Sorry this is probably the wrong place to post this in the sense im not asking for help, but it is in regards to technical issues, playing the tutorial as if I never played the game before-

I think I've seen some of this posted already in bug reports. But just my take on playing the tutorial.

- love you don't have hit E all the time anymore can just click it, but makes tabbing away dialog more annoying would be nice to click it away
- the crash site I don't understand the point of it, only the capsule pod returns items
- if you're in the inventory and place the furnace, then click the furnace from the inventory and add in the items the game objective becomes stuck
puttheiron.PNG (353.35 KiB) Viewed 728 times
- that said the new screen for the crafting is great so far
- I don't know the exact trigger for this but I zoomed out and new tips came up with the Introduction screen which has belts, inserters, assemblers, poles, and then steel furnaces which I would have never seen if I hadn't been typing this, there's two designs in introduction. Wait no it went from the assemblers, to the steel, to the assemblers, to the steel, the assemblers, to undergrounds/splitters, to the assemblers, to the undergrounds/splitters. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it, and no means to toggle between them. Well that's just confusing, anyways lets redo mining iron
- Well then you can't just put one in after it becomes stuck it has to be the same number as what it told you before in the previous step you can't see any longer
- "I feel quite tired from mining I wonder if it could be automated." I'm still in the crafting menu the whole time. It render behind it and faded away ???.
- Then you have next one "Take the smelted iron plates from the stone furnace" there's this flashing yellow arrow on nauvis it's bidirectional up and down has 5 of 7 lines outlined black w.e, anyways it's just confusing because those two things pop up and there's no indication of where the output slot is and just being barraged by flashes.
- Just clicking around now and I see this dropper icon in character screen, which is your character color but you see no character, makes you think it's the menu color since no tool tip anyways
- look around a bit I see on the tool tip for the furnace it has "contents" that look like metal plates so click it ok see the same icon in furnace menu click it and "craft a burner mining drill"
- close the menu and im guessing this is around when that automated mining message should pop up
- "add burner mining drill to quickbar at the bottom of the screen using left mouse button" what does that mean I use either button it picks it up, I move it i guess to the bar right? but both buttons work and it still in the same place in the inventory and now i have a bunch of them and no idea how to take them off
quickbar.PNG (23.03 KiB) Viewed 728 times
- "build the burner mining drill over a deposit" ok so i just grab it in my inventory since its still open move it around shows red can only be built on a "resource" find a green spot works cool
- i noticed too though in my inventory theres a gear bright yellow with an info mark on it oh went away when highlighting it weird w.e ignore
- "add some fuel into the burner mining drill" ok well have nothing left, "consumes burnable fuel" has the gas tank icon, click it, see a gas tank, click it ok see the coal we saw before and wood im guessing that be trees ok makes sense go cut a tree and get another message in the background again
- this one is ok though you close the menu as you dont want to miss it and next part starts cool, machine dropped item pick it up now "craft wooden chest"
- i craft an iron chest instead since i have a bunch of plates from doing it twice earlier so nothing stopping me then "build the wooden chest" (iron chest in my case) where it tell mes too, and now it says to "Take all items from Iron chest" lol sure
- then i open the chest another arrow pops over the menu tells me to put it in a slot in the middle of the inventory and the item seemingly disappears
and some message i cant read behind the chest menu "I should spe....."

Hit exit then it pops me back to the main screen, ok. Click continue "Craft the wooden chest"

- saw a new message "Great, I learned some today", tried taking an item from the chest early it says "wait until 3 items" ok cool , do that, and this time im actually just barely fast enough to live the UI up from iron chest to read the last message. "I should spend some time exploring this strange place"

Hit exit again cause I'm done right, it still says continue but that didn't work last time, so i just do new game I can see the new level. Don't feel like playing this anymore, but look around the new map see something moving die, meh
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also this poor sod get stuck so :D also noticing that autosave just before the attack is so dumb everytime you hit continue now it just attacks and you die

- I was trying to continue the first part to see why the messages was loading behind the UI, and it's the screen resolution.
engineer messages.png
engineer messages.png (176.34 KiB) Viewed 728 times
looks like there would be just enough room there, if the New Tips was supposed to be there, other wise there's lots of room

In conclusion

I've played this game for years, and I never liked the tutorial, it's just confusing for me, and I probably wouldn't have played the game if that was how I was introduced to it.

That's why even with the more busy new game menu it's great Freeplay is the first thing, and just hit play and forget everything else. Then you're playing, I'd rather google a couple things to learn how to play through the game, watch a video, then play whatever the heck that was.

Just loaded freeplay up, haven't in a while and I like a lot of the ease of life implementations for accessing menus with clicks instead. But the research menu is ghastly now, the scaling of it. However really looking forward to when "Tips and tricks" is up and going bunch a little issues but looking amazing. I think just my opinion the tutorial can be deleted, and just use the Tips and tricks menu.

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