First - Thank you all @Wube for 1.0 and everything you did to come this far. Please party hard

About my (problem: To honor all your hard work until today I choose to purchase factorio a second time. The first time I bought it around the time when you released 0.16. This was the GOG version. I played a lot of it and I have at least 10 different and modded game versions as portable version on my harddrive at the same time which I keep, since I may want to look at those factories again. Maybe.
The second time, today, I bought it via steam. I started the game and was quiet surprised to find the steam 1.0 version has found every single old save game on my harddrive from all the other portable game versions I still have. And now 1.0 put it all together ingame (load/save UI) in one very long list of savegames (yes, half my harddrivespace is probably factorio savegames ^^).
Well - I really don't want to delete, rename or move all of the old versions. Is it possible to turn this behaviour off or prevent it somehow? This never happend in the versions before.