Weird Mouse movement

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Weird Mouse movement

Post by RoyalFoxy »

So since the last update of the experimentals I had a weird lag in my mouse. When I moved it with an item in hand the item would lag behind a fair bit and it's really anyoing for me. I tried alternating the refreshrate of my monitor to 60 because Factorio doesn't support more than that but it didn't help at all so I thought it would be a Problem with my mouse because I recently bought a new one but neither is that the problem. I really have no Idea whats going wrong with that update because even if I swtich to a version which just ist the second newest it still wouldn't work and before hand it did work... but if I go back to the earliest of 0.18 or even back to 0.17 than it works again... I have no idea...
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by Koub »

One possible cause could be excessive mouse polling rate. If you have a gaming mouse, chances are it' can get up to 1kHz, said otherwise, its refresh interval can go down to 1ms.
And if your CPU can't keep up, it may give the impression your mouse is lagging, especially if your CPU is in the lower end (or getting old).

To give you an order of idea, I just eyeballed my mouse consumes 4% CPU just by moving it on the screen when I set it to 1kHz, on a i8700K overclocked to 4.8 GHz (and well cooled). That's totally massive.

This 1kHz polling rate might be of some value if you're playing competitive FPS, but for the vast majority of uses, it's totally overkill. 500Hz, 250 Hz, or even 125 Hz won't make any noticeable difference, while lowering the pressure your polling rate puts on the CPU.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by RoyalFoxy »

So yesterday, I found out, that it is a random occurence which mostly comes from my Browser when it's opened... I always have my Browser on my right screen because of my Gmail account and such things... I just thought, that my installation of the game may just not like my brwoser, so I switch to chrome, edge... tried many diffrent ones but none of them worked... only if I close my browser with the task manager it should work with a chance of 50 % +/-

And as you said, it can take up wuite some performance if you have your mouse on 1khz... that's why I always kept it at 125hz, and for Refrence I also have a quite good CPU... Ryzen 7 1800x overclocked to 4.3 I think... I'm not that sure, but at 125hz it shouldn't take that much, and I even tested it my PC runs low in Factorio at about 10% CPU and 5% GPU with everything I usally have opened and factorio just draws 1 to 2 % for both... I'm really confused about this

If my Settings or Mod List would help at all, just tell me, and I can post it...

Sorry for the late response
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by suprnova74 »

Let's validate that it's something with a Factorio update (combined with your software/hardware config) and not something unrelated. You mentioned when you updated to the latest experimental on or around July 11th is when it started to occur. Try reverting to an older version and see if the problem persists.

You can also try booting into safe mode and see if the problem still presents itself. That may isolate it to something loaded with Windows.
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by RoyalFoxy »

Kinda bad News... I already tested it with older Versions when I first got that bug... I even tried 0.16 and 0.17... 0.16 worked... most of the time but 0.17 had the same chance to getting the problem

Safe mode didn't do anything good either
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by RoyalFoxy »

It really seems like it's completly random because I tried to play Factorio again... forgot that my Browser was open and it worked... no lagging and I let a Video from youtube playing and it still worked... restarded, closed browser, didn't work again... so I do really think by now, that it's completly random and mostly occours when the PC on my side is doing something else...

I have one more idea... turning down the Threads it can use because I think when the game has power over all threads of my CPU and I run another Program that just uses a bit too much processing power it doesn't want to play smoothly... I'll try to crank it down to 8 instead of 16
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by RoyalFoxy »

Didn't work at all
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by Koub »

Sorry, but I'm clueless on what could cause your problem. Do you see spikes un CPU usage at that moment ? If yes, is a specific process involved ?
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by Koub »

Do you have Vsync option activated ? If so, can you try disabling it ?
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Weird Mouse movement

Post by RoyalFoxy »

I deactivated it and nothing is changed... Also, no spikes in usage
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