Delete Savegames?

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Delete Savegames?

Post by Dexter2078 »

Hey there,

I have accumulated alot of savegames and would like to delete some. I noticed that it's not possible to manage savegame files ingame and found them under ...appdata/roaming/factorio. (Windows 10, Steam installation)
After deleting them and launching the game Steam got stuck at the "launching game..." window and my file browser was still open with the directory so I noticed that steam wasnt stuck, it was very slowly restoring my just deleted savefiles.
At a rate of about one every 10 seconds, and i just deleted about 150 of them. Went to the trashcan and restored them, at least that skiped the slow restoring and steam reacted again.

So my question is, how am I supposed to manage my savegame files with this thing going on?
Is this the steam cloud at work? Never really looked into it.
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Re: Delete Savegames?

Post by Loewchen »

Dexter2078 wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:39 pm So my question is, how am I supposed to manage my savegame files with this thing going on?
Is this the steam cloud at work?
Click on the trash bin on the top right when selecting a save.
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Re: Delete Savegames?

Post by Dexter2078 »

Yes, but deleting 150 files like this is simply too much, can't delete them in chunks.
And what about this file syncing? Can't I turn that off somewhere? Haven't found anything ingame.
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Re: Delete Savegames?

Post by Loewchen »

Dexter2078 wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:45 pm And what about this file syncing? Can't I turn that off somewhere? Haven't found anything ingame.
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