Factorio on ultrawide monitors

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Burner Inserter
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Factorio on ultrawide monitors

Post by TxT »

Hey guys,
Im planning on purchasing the new Samsung CRG9 Monitor, which features a crazy aspect ration of 32:9
I already heard that Factorio will cut the height in half at such an aspect ratio.
Now you can zoom further out with commands, but am I able to change to minimum zoom level somehow, so I can use my mouse wheel?
Will this have any other negative effects?
Does anyone already use that Monitor with Factorio and is able to share pics?
Thanks for your help!
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Re: Factorio on ultrawide monitors

Post by Emergency1999 »

Hello TxT,
I bought this monitor about a year ago - and it is a great choice!
But I have the zoom-issues you mentioned:
Anmerkung 2020-05-24 203747.png
Anmerkung 2020-05-24 203747.png (15.69 MiB) Viewed 1091 times
Anmerkung 2020-05-24 204246.png
Anmerkung 2020-05-24 204246.png (5.02 MiB) Viewed 1091 times
And when you use the command, it zooms out only for the moment, so when you zoom back in, it will return to the normal range.
And as once you use this command, all achievements on this map will be blocked!
So for now I play this game in window half-screen mode, but I would be happy about a future update that fixes this problem.
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