Factorio slow down

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Factorio slow down

Post by krzysiek050 »


I have problem with factorio performance. When i start new game, everything is allright. But on my main save, game has 36-38 fps no matter what. Difference between maximum zoom in on grass, and maximum zoom out on center of factory is 2-3fps. So, i think this is not graphics card problem. When i open windows manager, then only one core work on 100%, and rest on ~5%.

My hardware:
i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Geforce 970

Mods i have on game:
Factorio - 0.15.34
Foreman - 2.0.4
Four Toolbelts - 0.15
Power Armor MK3 - 0.1.2
Skandragon's Advanced Mining - 1.0.2
Upgrade Builder and Planner 1.2.18
Warehousing Mod - 0.0.14

I attach screen with simple debug mode enabled. Most of time is consumed by entity update.

And the question is: What can i do with it? Changing graphics options didn't work.
zoom out
zoom out
screen2.png (4.26 MiB) Viewed 1427 times
zoom in
zoom in
screen.png (1.23 MiB) Viewed 1427 times
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Re: Factorio slow down

Post by Loewchen »

There is nothing new here that has not been discussed in the 200+ performance issue reports before. If you want to increase simulation speed, see Performance Issues here: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=4400 or look up those other reports.
If you think there is something special about your case after all, provide all the requested information from here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=51319
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Re: Factorio slow down

Post by Koub »

Warehousing mods (huge storages) can make a significant hit to UPS.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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