Error with Server Settings.json

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Error with Server Settings.json

Post by OmegaStrain »

Not sure what to do.
Have searched through forums and wed for solutions.
Have applied suggestions with same results.

Log provided. Please advise. Thank You

0.013 2017-04-07 20:43:32; Factorio 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, steam)
0.015 Operating system: Windows 8.1
0.016 Program arguments: "factorio.exe" "--start-server" "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\PvPvE\" "--server-settings" "C:\Program Files\Factorio\data\server-settings.json"
0.017 Read data path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Omegas Stuff/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.018 Write data path: C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
0.023 Binaries path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Omegas Stuff/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.133 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 32763MB]
0.258 Running in headless mode
0.307 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.345 Loading mod base 0.14.22 (data.lua)
1.141 Checksum for core: 1291735968
1.142 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
2.410 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1491612040
2.412 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
2.475 Custom inputs active: 0
2.523 Factorio initialised
2.623 Error Util.cpp:57: Error while reading file C:\Program Files\Factorio\data\server-settings.json: <unspecified file>(1): expected value
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impetus maximus
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by impetus maximus »

upload the contents of the json file within code tags. i'm sure someone can help you out.

welcome to the forums.
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by OmegaStrain »

this one?
also I should note. I have used the user name and token from the player json file. Even did user name and password once for giggles. Of coarse that info isnt in here. i took it out.
This is the most recent file ive tried. i have another one that has name and description filled out. From all the other form posts ive seen. this basicly looks like everyone elses.

I have however load the server or got it running by adding a map and running load lastest command. Server fires right up, can log into it. Can give a friend my ip and port and he can log into it. but it doesnt show on the public list.
Ive looked into the token deal and tried several ways of adding the token info into this file. including removing the token lines and user name lines.

clicking the start server bat opens new window. some lines scroll through. its in the log above. then closes out with error msg. in log above.
Not sure what else to do to get server to show in public list.
can play game jus fine with friends if useing thestart server load lastest commands and then login via manualy entering the ip an port.
im prob rambling now. :P

"name": "Name of the game as it will appear in the game listing",
"description": "Description of the game that will appear in the listing",
"tags": ["game", "tags"],

"_comment_max_players": "Maximum number of players allowed, admins can join even a full server. 0 means unlimited.",
"max_players": 0,

"_comment_visibility": ["public: Game will be published on the official Factorio matching server",
"lan: Game will be broadcast on LAN"],
"public": true,
"lan": true

"_comment_credentials": "Your login credentials. Required for games with visibility public",
"username": "",
"password": "",

"_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.",
"token": "",

"game_password": "",

"_comment_require_user_verification": "When set to true, the server will only allow clients that have a valid account",
"require_user_verification": true,

"_comment_max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second" : "optional, default value is 0. 0 means unlimited.",
"max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second": 0,

"_comment_minimum_latency_in_ticks": "optional one tick is 16ms in default speed, default value is 0. 0 means no minimum.",
"minimum_latency_in_ticks": 0,

"_comment_ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": "Players that played on this map already can join even when the max player limit was reached.",
"ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": false,

"_comment_allow_commands": "possible values are, true, false and admins-only",
"allow_commands": "admins-only",

"_comment_autosave_interval": "Autosave interval in minutes",
"autosave_interval": 10,

"_comment_autosave_slots": "server autosave slots, it is cycled through when the server autosaves.",
"autosave_slots": 5,

"_comment_afk_autokick_interval": "How many minutes until someone is kicked when doing nothing, 0 for never.",
"afk_autokick_interval": 0,

"_comment_auto_pause": "Whether should the server be paused when no players are present.",
"auto_pause": true,

"only_admins_can_pause_the_game": true,

"_comment_autosave_only_on_server": "Whether autosaves should be saved only on server or also on all connected clients. Default is true.",
"autosave_only_on_server": true,

"_comment_admins": "List of case insensitive usernames, that will be promoted immediately",
"admins": []
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:50 am

Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by OmegaStrain »

new error log

0.003 2017-04-07 22:57:40; Factorio 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, alpha)
0.003 Operating system: Windows 8.1
0.004 Program arguments: "factorio.exe" "--start-server" "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\bin\x64\saves\" "--server-settings" "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\data\server-settings.json"
0.005 Read data path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Testing Factorio Zip/Factorio_0.14.22/data
0.007 Write data path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Testing Factorio Zip/Factorio_0.14.22
0.009 Binaries path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Testing Factorio Zip/Factorio_0.14.22/bin
0.054 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 32763MB]
0.058 Running in headless mode
0.069 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.080 Loading mod base 0.14.22 (data.lua)
0.331 Checksum for core: 1291735968
0.332 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
1.223 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1491619230
1.225 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
1.241 Custom inputs active: 0
1.248 Factorio initialised
1.260 Error Util.cpp:57: Error while reading file C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\data\server-settings.json: <unspecified file>(59): expected value
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by OmegaStrain »

so far it seems any attempt to use the server settings json is pointless. the moment i launch the start server.bat that has the line to look for and use server settings. gives above error codes.
Can start server without server settings.json. game runs without server settings file in the folder as long as u dont put in the bat file to use server settings.

of coarse server still doesnt show on public list.

found posts that claimed server settings json resolved. but does not appear to be resolved.

where is the one click launch simple control panel wizard that magically makes everything work?
To much work for something thats paid to play. :(
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by daniel34 »

OmegaStrain wrote:Ive looked into the token deal and tried several ways of adding the token info into this file. including removing the token lines and user name lines.
Don't remove any lines from the file, just leave them empty if you don't need them. I suggest you fill out username + token, although it's also possible to use username + password.

I'm not sure if the path to the server-settings.json files in the first error log (the Program Files one) is correct. You're running this from Steam, why did you put the server-settings.json in Program Files?

In your new error log the server-settings.json is found, but there is an error (most likely a syntax error) on line 59. Paste the file here (in a

Code: Select all

 block) for us to check it (remove the token/password), or use a service like that should also be able to highlight the error.
quick links: log file | graphical issues | wiki
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by OmegaStrain »

alrighty. thanks for the web link. that was cool..

here is where Im at.

this is what i am trying to use to start server. the validator says the first line has error.. the @echo off. Not sure what it should be. I got this from the wiki,.

Code: Select all

@echo off
::	Replace the appropriate entries below to suit your installation (Default install example shown)

set FactorioExeLocation=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\bin\x64\

set SaveLocation=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\bin\x64\saves\

set ServerSettingsFileName=server-settings.json
set ServerSettingsLocation=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\data\

cd %FactorioExeLocation%

echo 	Save to be loaded:
echo 		%SaveLocation%%SaveFileName% 
echo 	Server Settings to load: 
echo 		%ServerSettingsLocation%%ServerSettingsFileName%
echo *** Remember to use Ctrl+C to ensure saving when finished instead of simply closing this of this window ***
pause 3

:: ***NOTE: The line below launches factorio in headless mode with desired server settings, add any other
::          desired arguments to end of the line. Use "factorio.exe --help" for a list of all supported arguments.
factorio.exe --start-server "%SaveLocation%%SaveFileName%" --server-settings "%ServerSettingsLocation%%ServerSettingsFileName%"

pause 3

[b][u]next my Server settings Json. the validator says this file is good.there was an error. the admin. I had my name in there. removing my name removed the error. [/u][/b]

  "Factions": "Name of the game as it will appear in the game listing",
  "Teams": "Description of the game that will appear in the listing",
  "tags": ["PvPvE", "C106"],

  "_comment_max_players": "Maximum number of players allowed, admins can join even a full server. 0 means unlimited.",
  "max_players": 20,

  "_comment_visibility": ["public: Game will be published on the official Factorio matching server",
                          "lan: Game will be broadcast on LAN"],
    "public": true,
    "lan": true

  "_comment_credentials": "Your login credentials. Required for games with visibility public",
  "username": "OmegaStrain",
  "password": "",

  "_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.",
  "token": "there was a token key here but i removed it for this forum post.",

  "game_password": "",

  "_comment_require_user_verification": "When set to true, the server will only allow clients that have a valid account",
  "require_user_verification": true,

  "_comment_max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second" : "optional, default value is 0. 0 means unlimited.",
  "max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second": 0,

  "_comment_minimum_latency_in_ticks": "optional one tick is 16ms in default speed, default value is 0. 0 means no minimum.",
  "minimum_latency_in_ticks": 0,

  "_comment_ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": "Players that played on this map already can join even when the max player limit was reached.",
  "ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": false,

  "_comment_allow_commands": "possible values are, true, false and admins-only",
  "allow_commands": "admins-only",

  "_comment_autosave_interval": "Autosave interval in minutes",
  "autosave_interval": 10,

  "_comment_autosave_slots": "server autosave slots, it is cycled through when the server autosaves.",
  "autosave_slots": 5,

  "_comment_afk_autokick_interval": "How many minutes until someone is kicked when doing nothing, 0 for never.",
  "afk_autokick_interval": 0,

  "_comment_auto_pause": "Whether should the server be paused when no players are present.",
  "auto_pause": true,

  "only_admins_can_pause_the_game": true,

  "_comment_autosave_only_on_server": "Whether autosaves should be saved only on server or also on all connected clients. Default is true.",
  "autosave_only_on_server": true,

  "_comment_admins": "List of case insensitive usernames, that will be promoted immediately",
  "admins": []

now I have new error. something about a nod..
factorio current log

Code: Select all

  0.004 2017-04-08 09:22:43; Factorio 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, alpha)
   0.005 Operating system: Windows 8.1 
   0.005 Program arguments: "factorio.exe" "--start-server" "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\bin\x64\saves\" "--server-settings" "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Testing Factorio Zip\Factorio_0.14.22\data\server-settings.json" 
   0.006 Read data path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Testing Factorio Zip/Factorio_0.14.22/data
   0.007 Write data path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Testing Factorio Zip/Factorio_0.14.22
   0.009 Binaries path: C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Testing Factorio Zip/Factorio_0.14.22/bin
   0.054 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5450  @ 3.00GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 32763MB]
   0.058 Running in headless mode
   0.071 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.087 Loading mod base 0.14.22 (data.lua)
   0.325 Checksum for core: 1291735968
   0.326 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
   1.147 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1491619230
   1.149 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
   1.170 Custom inputs active: 0
   1.177 Factorio initialised
   1.184 Error Util.cpp:57: No such node (description)
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by Loewchen »

As the error says, you are missing a description.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:50 am

Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by OmegaStrain »

thanks for making my last post look the way u did. I dont use forums much so dont know how u did that.
but on the good news I think ive figured it out. Ill post here shortly.

the first few lines. Name, description. Had to edit to the right of name description. not edit the left.
in other words.

This is wrong....Gives Error Node (Description) Error

Code: Select all

  "Factions": "Name of the game as it will appear in the game listing",
  "Teams. Have fun": "Description of the game that will appear in the listing",
  "tags": ["game", "tags"],
This is correct.

Code: Select all

  "name": "Factions",
  "description": "Teams. Have fun.",
  "tags": ["PvPvE", "C106"],
Not very clear in the file which side to edit. but makes big difference. First glance one would think to edit Name instead of editing Name of the Game as it will appear in the game listing.

Code: Select all

  "name": "Factions",
  "description": "Teams. Have fun.",
  "tags": ["PvPvE", "C106"],

  "_comment_max_players": "Maximum number of players allowed, admins can join even a full server. 0 means unlimited.",
  "max_players": 20,

  "_comment_visibility": ["public: Game will be published on the official Factorio matching server",
                          "lan: Game will be broadcast on LAN"],
    "public": true,
    "lan": true

  "_comment_credentials": "Your login credentials. Required for games with visibility public",
  "username": "OmegaStrain",
  "password": "",

  "_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.",
  "token": "opps i did it again",

  "game_password": "",

  "_comment_require_user_verification": "When set to true, the server will only allow clients that have a valid account",
  "require_user_verification": true,

  "_comment_max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second" : "optional, default value is 0. 0 means unlimited.",
  "max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second": 0,

  "_comment_minimum_latency_in_ticks": "optional one tick is 16ms in default speed, default value is 0. 0 means no minimum.",
  "minimum_latency_in_ticks": 0,

  "_comment_ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": "Players that played on this map already can join even when the max player limit was reached.",
  "ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": false,

  "_comment_allow_commands": "possible values are, true, false and admins-only",
  "allow_commands": "admins-only",

  "_comment_autosave_interval": "Autosave interval in minutes",
  "autosave_interval": 10,

  "_comment_autosave_slots": "server autosave slots, it is cycled through when the server autosaves.",
  "autosave_slots": 5,

  "_comment_afk_autokick_interval": "How many minutes until someone is kicked when doing nothing, 0 for never.",
  "afk_autokick_interval": 0,

  "_comment_auto_pause": "Whether should the server be paused when no players are present.",
  "auto_pause": true,

  "only_admins_can_pause_the_game": true,

  "_comment_autosave_only_on_server": "Whether autosaves should be saved only on server or also on all connected clients. Default is true.",
  "autosave_only_on_server": true,

  "_comment_admins": "List of case insensitive usernames, that will be promoted immediately",
  "admins": []

long story short. game has fired up, is joinable and now showing in the public listing. YAY!

note. as far as the other errors.
the error 59. was because of this. Comment_admins is on line 58. admins is on line 59.

this way gives error 59

Code: Select all

  "_comment_admins": "List of case insensitive usernames, that will be promoted immediately",
  "admins": [OmegaStrain]
this way no error 59

Code: Select all

  "_comment_admins": "List of case insensitive usernames, that will be promoted immediately",
  "admins": []
unfortunately i do not know why i got the error 1. still a lil stumped on that one.
anyways. thanks to all whom have read this post. and thanks to all that have commented in an attempt to assist.
Smart Inserter
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by Nexela »

OmegaStrain wrote:unfortunately i do not know why i got the error 1. still a lil stumped on that one.
anyways. thanks to all whom have read this post. and thanks to all that have commented in an attempt to assist.
The user name needs to be in quotes
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Re: Error with Server Settings.json

Post by HOSH »

As you noticed the left side never changes as it is the setting for the server to read. The right side changes to what you want.

Also on the Admins, if you want any access in game, you have to do it like the tags.

Code: Select all

  "admins": ["admin1", "admin2"]
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