Game Crash on startup

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Game Crash on startup

Post by kdadrummer »

So, I used the in game mod manager to install this RSO-infinite mod. This immediately cause my game to crash. Now my game is crashing immediately on start up when it tries to load this mod and a bunch of .lua files are missing. So, how the hell do i fix this. I tried removing all local files and reinstalling via steam but the issue is still here.I have been poking around in my factorio folder and through steam but I cant come up with any way to fix this. Basically Id love to just revert but idk how, and I cant play at all now.
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Re: Game Crash on startup

Post by kdadrummer »

Elaborating, I can apparently switch to a different version, update to this version on steam, and play. but if i revert back to the version I currently use normaly (13.20 i think?) this mod is still installed through my mod manager and it still crashes via the same problem.
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Re: Game Crash on startup

Post by kinnom »

what system (windows, mac, Linux) are you running factorio on?
no yes yes no yes no yes yes
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