Pricing question? Steam $20 USD vs Factorio Website $21.50?

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Pricing question? Steam $20 USD vs Factorio Website $21.50?

Post by unenergizer »


I wanted to purchase the game from your website. However I noticed that it actually cost's more to purchase it here than on Steam. Why is this? I understand conversion rates between currencies, but the fact I can buy it for $20 USD on Steam kinda baffles me. Why is it cheaper to buy on steam? I would much rather purchase it on here and then get a steam key.

Thank you!


Decided to purchase anyway. Paypal says my total is now $22.96. A little bit disappointed.
Last edited by unenergizer on Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pricing question? Steam $20 USD vs Factorio Website $21.50?

Post by DaveMcW »

Steam makes it easy to set a different price by country. So the devs picked the nice round $20 for the US. Building a custom regional pricing system for the website is much harder.

Website-only bonus features:
- Don't need steam to run it
- Can be run off a flash drive
- Access to historical versions
- More of the purchase price goes to the developers
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Re: Pricing question? Steam $20 USD vs Factorio Website $21.50?

Post by unenergizer »

I understand what you are saying. I am also a programmer and I know with a few hours of work that could be changed.

On another note, I bought the game and found that steam key's are no longer being given out due to scammers.
We had to disable the functionality to obtain a steam key for now due to many frauds taking place. Basically a frauder buys the game (possibly many times) with stolen credit card and then sells the steam keys.We are working on solution to this which would require a steam login here on the website in order to retrieve the key. This doesn't influence the users but should bring the amount of frauds to minimum.Once this is programmed (should be very soon) we will resume the functionality to obtain steam keys.Thank you for your understanding
Is their anyway I can get a steam key setup for just me? My credit card is authentic and my username here is the exact same one as on Steam (I am the only "unenergizer" on Steam). :)

Thank you!
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Re: Pricing question? Steam $20 USD vs Factorio Website $21.50?

Post by Koub »


This is typically the kind of things I would advise you ton contact for.
But well, you can also DL the game from the website, and just play it out of Steam for the few days the devs will take to add the feature they're working on.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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