[Rseding91] [0.17.69] Upgrade Planner on alternating underground belts

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[Rseding91] [0.17.69] Upgrade Planner on alternating underground belts

Post by AntiElitz »

When having alternating red/yellow undergrounds being upgraded in editor mode, the result is wrong:

See: https://youtu.be/UaO819LWsZ0

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Re: [0.17.69] Upgrade Planner on alternating underground belts

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I know what causes that but I'm not sure if there's a nice solution.

The issue is:

* The "upgrade everything in the area the player selected" collects the entities to potentially upgrade and then goes over the entities found 1 at a time deciding what the found entity should be upgraded to.

* When the belt 1 is upgraded it goes from being "braided" to "not braided" because it's instant upgraded from standard to fast. That causes it to now be connected to belt 2.

* Belt 2 is upgraded and the "upgrade both ends" is used to do both ends of now-connected-to-the-just-upgraded-belt-1-underground-belt.

* Belt 3 is upgraded normally

And the process continues in a deterministic but seemingly 'random' observable order.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.

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