What did you do?
I Created a save-file with the (in this topic) included scenario, Main Menu -> Play -> Scenarios -> (under user-scenarios) FMMOTEST_Research_crash -> create.( )
What happened?
The game crashes to desktop.What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
A new world would have been createdOR
An error in-game would have occured.
Code Explaination.
The file /locale/utils/modular_admin_ghosts creates a new force on line 25 on line 26 it calls the function research_all_technologies().The file /locale/utils/force_mod has a event listener on line 303 this event resets all a force their bonusses and adds a user definable bonus on top.
On_research_finished gives a event.research back.
The LuaTechnology contains a force (LuaForce) this one is however read-only, which may cause the game to crash when I am modifying it.
The LuaTechnology contains a force (LuaForce) this one is however read-only, which may cause the game to crash when I am modifying it.