Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

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Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Post by evopwr »

Hi team,

1. Placed Blueprint, with Assembler3's, that have 1 module. No robots, so ghost only.
2. Used an Upgrade Planner to "downgrade" Assembler 3 ghosts, to Assemblers 1 ghosts.
3. Hot placed Assembler 1's over the ghost.

Now its showing module ghosts are needed in the Assemblers 1s, which cant be right, because Assemblers 1s dont have modules?

Untitled.png (934.66 KiB) Viewed 1447 times
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Re: Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. The module requests will be cleared when a robot tries to deliver them if they aren't valid at the time it happens. The game does not try to validate them when you change them in the blueprint/ghost form.
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Re: Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Post by evopwr »

Thanks :)
And man I'd die for some news of what you guys are up to...
Feels like you've disappeared..
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Re: Downgrade Assem to V1, still has module ghosts?

Post by wobbycarly »

Fortunately, I did a search and found this issue before I reported it again!

In my case, I had a Mk3 assembler ghost with 4 level 1 speed mods. I downgraded to a Mk2 and the 2 speed modules were delivered (after I hand-crafted them), and the module request icon remains. This is really confusing.

2023-10-27 20_10_01-Factorio 1.1.94.png
2023-10-27 20_10_01-Factorio 1.1.94.png (557.15 KiB) Viewed 915 times

So I made another speed module, and the bot just kept going back and forth... Sorry I can't make a video, but here's another screenshot. (Actually after I alt-tabbed between the forum and the game, the module request was gone, but I don't know how long it took.)

2023-10-27 20_12_14-Factorio 1.1.94.png
2023-10-27 20_12_14-Factorio 1.1.94.png (640.34 KiB) Viewed 915 times
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