[1.1.41] Japanese chat input on Mac does not work

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Manual Inserter
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[1.1.41] Japanese chat input on Mac does not work

Post by zenmetsu »

Steps to reproduce:

1. On MacOS, go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Input Sources and add the "Japanese - Romaji" input. While there, also add the "Pinyin - Simplified" input for comparison purposes.
2. Open Factorio
3. Join a multiplayer game
4. Open console
5. Switch between language inputs using whatever key combination is set (can be check under System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Input Sources)
6. Switch to Japanese and attempt to type こんにちは by typing "konnnichiha", then hit Enter to select the word (Japanese language requires conversion from Hiragana to Kanji occasionally, which is why choosing characters is necessary). Hitting Enter appears to close the console before the word is input to the console.
7. Switch to Chinese Pinyin and try typing 你好 by typing "nihao", then hit "1" to select the correct conversion. This works because this input uses numbers to select conversions rather than arrows and the Enter key.

In order for this to work, I think Factorio must somehow ignore Enter and arrow input, or simply all input while the Japanese character conversion dialog is open.

Japanese input appears to work fine on Windows.
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Manual Inserter
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Re: [1.1.41] Japanese chat input on Mac does not work

Post by zenmetsu »

This is still true in 1.1.87
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Re: [1.1.41] Japanese chat input on Mac does not work

Post by StrangePan »

Thank you for the report!

After looking into this, it seems that we never really brought full IME support to macOS or Linux. It also appears that the Windows implementation could use an upgrade and a unification with the other platforms.

This looks like it'll be a larger project, so I'm adding it to the backlog for now and will tackle it another time.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [1.1.41] Japanese chat input on Mac does not work

Post by zenmetsu »

Thank you, I appreciate the insight into the reason for the difference in behavior too.
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