Mod details don't update after updating mods

We are aware of them, but they have low priority. We have more important things to do. They go here in order not to take space in the main bug thread list.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:33 am

Mod details don't update after updating mods

Post by DeeHants »

I previously played with a few mods that hadn't been updated for 2.0 yet.
Today, I opened the mod window, and Bottleneck was saying "up to 1.1".
I switched to "updates" and installed all the updates, which included Bottleneck, and once done switched back to "manage".
Bottleneck was still saying "up to 1.1".
On confirming, and restarting, I open mods again, and Bottleneck now said "2.0".
I had to confirm and restart again.

It would be nice if I could have enabled it immediately after updating it, the same as I could if I'd just installed it.

(I did try and search but had no distinct keywords to looks for. Apologies if this is a dupe)
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