I've been struggling with this problem for days, where the sprite I create and send to chat is automatically scaled to the height of the line. I don't know how much it is in proportions, but for example it's 60 pixels. If I create a sprite that is 10 pixels high and 60 pixels wide, then in chat this image is stretched to 60*360. And I have no way to control this.
The scale parameter is completely ignored, shift works not as I would like it to.
For example, if you take any prototype, such as a recipe, item, technology, their icons are made with an offset and the offset works relative to the icon, not the screen. In the case of a sprite, the offset is relative to the screen. That is, if you scale the image, this offset is not scaled and is moved by the same number of pixels as it was. That is, images created with the offset just float away in different directions.
I tried using util.by_pixel(), but it didn't change anything and didn't help. I tried to create a sprite with layers, where the second layer (or the first one) is a completely empty square with a resolution of 60*60, in order to superimpose on top of those 10*60 and not get stretching of the image, but no, it also did not change anything.
It feels like the prototype sprite works completely differently than simple objects.
[1.1.87] Bug with sprite prototype size.
- Deadlock989
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 2529
- Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:41 pm
Re: [1.1.87] Bug with sprite prototype size.
I have also encountered this: sprites composed of multiple layers do not behave as expected when embedded in rich text and UI scale is anything other than 100%. I had to work around it by using a dummy item with layered icons.
Re: [1.1.87] Bug with sprite prototype size.
Do either of you have some example of a sprite being "wrong" and how you think it should look so I can experiment?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Re: [1.1.87] Bug with sprite prototype size.
Code: Select all
local flags = { "no-crop", "no-scale", "not-compressed", "mipmap", "linear-minification", "linear-mip-level", "group=icon" }
for i = 1, #Emojis, 1 do
local emojiName = Emojis[i].name
local width = Emojis[i].width
local height = Emojis[i].height
if width > 1620 or height > 2160 then
error("\nOver the limited image size.\nERROR_CODE: 1\nYou have exceeded the maximum image size. Emoji should not exceed a resolution of 1620x2160. Your resolution:\n" .. width .. "x" .. height .. " for " .. emojiName, 2)
type = "sprite",
name = emojiName,
filename = "__chat-emoji__/graphics/icons/" .. emojiName .. ".png",
width = width,
height = height,
flags = flags,
priority = "no-atlas"
local widthFragmentCount = math.ceil(width / 60)
local heightFragmentCount = math.ceil(height / 60)
local fragments = widthFragmentCount * heightFragmentCount
Emojis[i].widthFragmentCount = widthFragmentCount
Emojis[i].heightFragmentCount = heightFragmentCount
Emojis[i].fragments = fragments
local x = 0
local y = 0
local ostatokWidth = width % 60
local ostatokHeight = height % 60
local actualWidth = 60
local actualHeight = 60
local shiftX = 0
local shiftY = 0
for k = 1, fragments do
if ((k % widthFragmentCount) == 0) and (ostatokWidth ~= 0) then
actualWidth = ostatokWidth
shiftX = 0 - math.ceil((60 - ostatokWidth) / 2)
if (k == (widthFragmentCount * (heightFragmentCount - 1) + 1)) and (ostatokHeight ~= 0) then
actualHeight = ostatokHeight
shiftY = 0 - math.ceil((60 - ostatokHeight) / 2)
log("name: " .. emojiName .. "_f" .. k .. " shiftX: " .. shiftX .. " shiftY: " .. shiftY)
type = "sprite",
name = emojiName .. "_f" .. k,
filename = "__chat-emoji__/graphics/blank.png",
width = 60,
height = 60,
layers = {
filename = "__chat-emoji__/graphics/blank.png",
width = 60,
height = 60,
filename = "__chat-emoji__/graphics/icons/" .. emojiName .. ".png",
x = x,
y = y,
width = actualWidth,
height = actualHeight,
shift = {shiftX, shiftY},
blend_mode = "overwrite"
flags = flags,
priority = "no-atlas"
if (k % widthFragmentCount) == 0 then
x = 0
y = y + 60
actualWidth = 60
shiftX = 0
x = x + 60
Re: [1.1.87] Bug with sprite prototype size.
- Attachments
- 200% interface-2.
- image-87.png (1.04 MiB) Viewed 1296 times
- 200% interface-1.
- image-208.png (1.43 MiB) Viewed 1296 times
- 100% interface.
- image-164.png (2.77 MiB) Viewed 1296 times
- 50% interface.
- image-133.png (1.22 MiB) Viewed 1296 times
- chat-emoji.rar
- Mod.
- (1005.81 KiB) Downloaded 53 times
Last edited by ArsStels on Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Deadlock989
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 2529
- Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:41 pm
Re: [1.1.87] Bug with sprite prototype size.
Two methods of making a 5-layer sprite, where the bottom layer is a 64x64 blank sprite (fully transparent) and the top 4 layers are a 64x64 white rounded-off square (with various tints) using shift offsets of {-8,-8}, {8,-8}, {-8,8} and {8,8}.
The way it "should look", composed as the icons property of an item, where the first layer's scale (the blank sprite) does not have a scale specified and the visible layers have a scale of 0.25 specified (because icon layers are still all relative to a size of 32x32 so to get a half-sized 64x64 icon, you scale to 50% of 50%). You get the same correct spacing and scales regardless of the UI scale or font size:
At 100% UI scale
At 200% UI scale
As a sprite, using layers, where the base layer has scale 0.5 and the four upper layers have scale 0.25 (the situation is not improved by using 1 and 0.5):
At 100% UI scale - shifts are wrong (too large) and layers look slightly clipped
At 200% UI scale - shifts are wrong (too small)
These example use a rich text image inside string-mod-setting localisations for a start-up setting's dropdown strings, but the same thing happens anywhere the rich text is used, e.g. in chat, flying text etc. If you want live examples of both methods, the current version (3.1.2) of the mod in my signature uses the item method for the setting (creating an otherwise redundant item just to have the menu option look the same as the other menu options, which all reference items or entities or single-layer sprites) and you can go back to version 3.0.12 of the mod (and find the right versions of the asset dependencies) to see the buggy layered sprite version. The reason I bothered with any of this is because the tint data already exists in Lua in the game - it references the rail block colour tints in utility constants - but in future I'm just going to compose these icons externally as a single layer sprite.