Place concrete (or similar) as ghost and now you want to remove some kind of building: The destruction planner removes in that case also the concrete-ghosts, that have not been constructed yet.
Well, I understand, why the unplaced concrete is removed in this case, but from gameplay situation it is (IMHO) so, that you place concrete to walk faster. You built it in an area, in which you walk often or has already been built up and now you want to change it.
In my opinion it's in that case the better option to behave with the ghosts as in the game: ghost tiles are only removed, if no other entities are selected.
Well, maybe it's not really a bug, more an issue. But it can be seen from another direction: as mentioned in here:
In other words: When the target is to have at some point self-building factories, then the building operations should not depend on time to wait between the single steps; When you take that as logical basic principle, then it is suddenly clear, how it should work correct.If you do similar operations, that include ghost/destruction/construction (=blueprints) it should not matter WHEN I do it!
It should not matter if I a) destruct something and then immediately place something or b) destruct, then wait 2 minutes, then place. In any case the map should look the same after that operations.
Looking from that direction, it can be seen as bug.