V1.1.76 Roboport connected without showing dashed yellow line.

Things that has been reported already before.
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:41 am

V1.1.76 Roboport connected without showing dashed yellow line.

Post by kenmras »

I can't believe this hasn't been caught before now but I wasn't able to find it anywhere else.

I've got a medium large base (34MB) and I'm using logistic bots to load ore onto trains. I'm using disconnected networks to keep the bots at the train station instead of trying to deliver ore across the map. I kept having robots trek across my map pulling from the weirdest places to put it in my requester boxes even though visually , the roboport was disconnected from any other yellow lines. My best guess is that the infringing roboport was already connected to 5 other ports and making a 6th connection without the line to the 6th roboport.
Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/krkthtmgq4ipp ... h.zip?dl=0 (place a robo port at location 349.9,702.0)
Image 1: Placed - no connection https://www.dropbox.com/s/vxkebefpderax ... 6.png?dl=0
Image 2: In hand ready to place - connection https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0f276m80ds03 ... 6.png?dl=0
  • Problem: roboport connected to network without showing yellow line
  • Symptom: placing roboport shows line, once placed the line does not show
  • Other Info: isolated roboports: 4 ports connected with 1 space (green coverage) between any ports. New roboport is placed in the far corner covering 1, 2 or 3 of the bottom R green coverage with Orange logistic coverage (combining network #2 and network #24.)
  • The yellow connection line does not indicate Network #2 and #24 are connected
/end of bug report
Layman's analysis and suggestion:
I would guess there is some logic telling the roboports to stop displaying lines over a certain number so that 10 ports right next to each other don't show 50 gazillion lines to each other. That is excellent for tightly packed ports. I would suggest that the logic be modified so that the 6 (or is it 5) LONGEST lines be shown. That way this edge case is caught while still limiting the number of lines displayed.

As always I am in awe of your work on this magnificent game.
Thank you Wube!
Last edited by kenmras on Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:41 am

Re: Roboport connected without showing dashed yellow line.

Post by kenmras »

Nailed it. so at this point it's just too low priority and too high complexity to solve?
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