[1.1.97] Research tech tooltip shows blurred and behind the technology tree screen when achievement is displayed.

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[1.1.97] Research tech tooltip shows blurred and behind the technology tree screen when achievement is displayed.

Post by Sworn »

Found a very minor and visual only bug.
When you have the achievement screen showing up, like trigger the first bitter attack or anything really.
If you open the technology tree, and mouse over any tech on the left side, the tooltip of that tech will shows behind the technology tree while also being blurred.
Tech tree tooltip bug
Tech tree tooltip bug
image_2023-11-14_121044031.png (1.09 MiB) Viewed 596 times
- Some how trigger an achievement
- while the achievement is still displayed on the screen, open technology tree window
- mouse over any tech on the left side to see its tooltip
- it will show behind the technology tree screen

Cause no actual harm, you can just wait the achievement disappear and it will go back to normal
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