I'm experiencing very weird behavior of construction bots in my game. Construction bots in my network for some reason don't place landfill but only in some places despite everything being in their range. See first screenshot:
You can also see that there's lot of landfill available in the network.
I did make sure everything is in range, yet still they don't build:
I have tried removing landfill ghosts and placing them again to no avail.
Surprisingly enough as I start adding more rows north some of them are filled with landfill properly what can also be seen in the first screenshot.
As you can also see on the first screenshot all construction bots are available so it's not that they are busy with something. I have been also waiting for quite long without assigning the bots in that network any other job to make sure they are not charging.
First part of landfilling that big lake went fine, no problem, only recently bots started leaving empty spaces they cannot fill.
When I moved my landfill spidertrons nearby they were able to build those missing pieces without any problem so it's only the network not working properly.
I do play with mods but only QoL. First thing I checked was rerunning the savegame vanilla to see if this is related to any mod but again, the problem still persists.
I'm willing to check any suggestions but I'm out of ideas of what can be wrong here. I think I checked everything I could.
I am attaching the logs (see below) and also a savegame for repro: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A0dWA4 ... share_link (175MB)
Once the game loads you're already in the problematic spot. I left one storage chest right next to the player so that it's easier to check network storage (to make sure landfill is there).
Landfill spidertrons are right below (green ones) and they can be commanded with green remote in the quickbar to make sure ghosts are placed correctly (spiders will build them).
Let me know if you have any questions or ideas.