macOS High Sierra 10.13.2
factorio 0.16 -> 0.16.3
Steps to reproduce:
Updating factorio via in-game updater
Updates downloaded and applied in order via response from the in-game dialog.
>> After updates finish and current instance closes, routine will spit out generic Factorio error message: "Unexpected in the forums..."
Attempting to launch factorio after dismissing generic error results in Finder error that application cannot launch "The application 'factorio' can't be opened" (generic Finder error dialog with Finder face icon, etc...)
Superficial workaround/fix:
Navigate into the installed factorio app bundle (Show Package Contents... to: Contents/MacOS/). Upon examination, the 'factorio' file is not set as 'executable'. Rectify with a 'chmod -x'. After setting, the app appears to launch as expected.
A comparison of the 'post-update' executable and a fresh download of the same version showed file content parity, just that the 'executable' flag was not set for the patched file.
Log appears to not include any info about the actual update routine, other than listing the updates happening as the last lines of the file.
Updates happened fine in Sierra (10.12.x) and factorio 0.15.x. Error happened originally when updating from 0.15.37 to 0.16.0. Able to reproduce with a fresh download of 0.16.0 and updating to 0.16.3. Regardless, the variables changed in such a way, I cannot definitively point to [macOS 10.13] or [factorio updater for 0.16.x] (if anything even changed) as the singular culprit.
[0.16.x][mac 10.13] Update fails to chmod -x factorio
Re: [0.16.x][mac 10.13] Update fails to chmod -x factorio
Post the log never the less.
Re: [0.16.x][mac 10.13] Update fails to chmod -x factorio
Duplicate of viewtopic.php?f=30&t=54786
Fixed for 0.16.3, but it will work for updating .3 -> .4, not .2 -> .3
Fixed for 0.16.3, but it will work for updating .3 -> .4, not .2 -> .3