TA has 3D terrain (and AFAIK game engine?), but still displays them as 2D sprites.
That's probably why Spring could grow from a simple TA replay player to a full-blown 3D game engine.
Depends what you call by a "physics engine" - I'd say that having to do collision checks already counts as one !
(This includes trains/tank colliding with player/biters!)
All the area weapons like shotgun, grenade, fire stream, fire, artillery impact - seem to do collision checks.
And Worm "spit" too probably.
Then I'm not sure what you're arguing about??KoblerMan wrote:Now, that being said, I'm also all for dodging AoE "skill shot" attacks from worms.
Also, I'm not sure why you are worried about UPS issues in this specific instance - it's not like we are going to have massive worm battles... unless they are indeed planning to make them to attack player bases?!