This is a great take.serhatozgel wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:37 amYou make some great points but I view biters slightly differently:sarge945 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:38 am [...]
Factorio in general seems to be stuck in this weird contradictory middle-point between automation/puzzle game and tower defence game. The long, slow factory building gameplay somewhat contradicts with the need to constantly defend yourself, and I feel like these mechanics sort of undermine each other a little bit.
- They are not there to make Factorio a tower defence-like game.
- They are one of the automation puzzles that you need to solve and put away. Just like any other challenge in the game. Once you solve it, it is a matter of making it bigger as you go.
I would definitely not want needing to strategically place turrets or making hard choices for how to use my limited resources. Factorio is not that game.
However, this is not to say biters can’t be made bettee. I think there’s a lot of room for improvement and great ideas for that from community.
But that should not mean turning Factorio into an action or tower defense game. I would like biters to stay as an automation challenge. But the challenge can be made deeper and/or more interesting.
I would not want Factorio to become a tower-defense-like game either. If by default the expansion required players to pay much more time and attention to combat throughout the game it would completely lose it's soul, IMO, and alienate a ton of players. There are already a ton of options, in vanilla and/or through mods, to increase the importance, depth, and variety of combat.
But Factorio is first, foremost and always about automation -- about being an individual directly designing, building, troubleshooting, improving and expanding factories. It has a core theme of doing this alone on a hostile alien world, so it necessarily involves combat. But the combat adds spice and dimension to the automation. Combat is not the core concern, nor even an equal concern, nor should it ever be. There are other games for that.
I personally think the combat is already pretty good for its role in this game. I've had a lot of great times taking a little break from factory involvement to rough it up personally with nearby bases, enjoying new military tech as it becomes available, and trying out different tactics. In a mod like SE there are already moments where

The fact that I can stop thinking about my defenses for hours, days, or even indefinitely, after putting in sufficient effort to automate them, is another great feeling of accomplishment Factorio gives me.
Sure there's room for improvement. I've long wanted to see more vanilla enemy variety, and we're getting that with the expansion. It sounds like we're also getting more varied combat mechanics, if I'm reading correctly between the lines, which I'm excited to learn more about in future FFFs. But all of these, I'm sure, will ultimately be interesting challenges that can be solved with automation.
I do not believe there needs to be any fundamental shift in Wube's approach to combat as OP suggests.
As for this:
Nah, no hate.sarge945 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:38 am This post is probably going to make everyone hate me, but...