The robot construction arm is not a huge project. All the functionality already exists, rails, temporary stops, roboports etc can all be repurposed. Could almost be done with the mod api, if other rail sections could be defined. Yes it would require some graphics, but that's not an issue. They have excellent artists.XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pmI believe you got a little carried away.Qon wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:41 pmOr inserter arm. Spidertron legs were inserter arms in the prototypes. And the base would just translate along a rail system that could also be a base for a new kind of transport system.
Would be cool with new types of logistics. Rail with turning radius similar to belts, with some kind of mining carts that drive without separate locomotive units. Would be used like a hybrid of belts and trains, slightly faster and smarter version of cars on belts and throughput between belts and rails. And the arm animation on the contruction wagons could be very simple.
But it seems like SA won't add any new logistics alternatives.
I don't think they will do it, and the mine carts for logistics even less likely. I'm not "getting carried away", the extension promises to double the content so new logistics systems to play with is a reasonable ask. That is the core of the game. But I'm also not delusional about them adding stuff like this on a whim just because I described something I think would be cool. Anyways, platforms, rockets and rail bridges are new logistics options.
A slightly different graphics for an entity that was purposefully removed is not a good idea. They have the time to do it, they set their own schedule and release time. They have worked for years(?) now on the expansion and it's still about a year away minimum. You coming up with a way for them to be lazy is not helpful, you are just giving them excuses to not actually add stuff. We want a good expansion, not a hurried one. But yes I do understand the concept of asking for things that give the most effect for the least amount of work to be efficient, especially late in the process. But now the goal is to not have the flying bots, so I'm considring things which would have different gameplay.XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pm There are several constrictions to keep in mind: Space Age is an expansion with a limited time window before release, the most recent version of the space platform's construction animation feels wrong somehow for a Factory Simulation video game, and I am trying hard to come up with a suggestion that re-use existing codes/art to keep the time it takes to implement short.
Hence, the Space Construction-only Drone concept.
Disagree. Or, there are certainly tradeoffs, but I don't agree with your points because I don't think you understood my suggestion properly. I don't blame you, I kept my description short and I would need graphics to properly convey the full picture since these things are not so simple.XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pm As cool as your suggestions are, it does run into multiple issues.
Not 0 width. They would be like trains with "belts" as rails (not actually belts, just 1x1 sections instead of 2x2 and turn radius of a single tile like belts, but maybe 2x2 tiles for a turn would be better?). The locomotives and cargo wagons combined into 1 unit. Maybe not signaled, they just don't "run into" each other (that means, no explosive collisions), so more like cars on belts or items on belts. Switches instead of splitters, carts choosing which way they go like locomotives.XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pm There is no zero-width (it would have to go between Space Platform buildings to get somewhere, and space/mass are at a premium) movement between tiles mechanic that I know of.
But there are "0 width" inserters and rail signals added by mods, it's not impossible. But that's not necessary, the construction arm is long enough to reach past a few buildings.
Yes. Way simpler than current rail graphics though. Only cardinal directions, carts short enough that they don't require nearly the same details trains have. Carts might not even link up and are shorter, so you have don't have the same issues with maintaining same length N/S and W/E.XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pm New art/animation for this 'hybrid of belt and train with a ConstructionArm attached' would have to be created partially from scratch for the final product.
Not sure we will be allowed to connect parts or if separate parts would just disintegrate?XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pm Suppose a Space Platform is partially damaged and broken into pieces without any space platform physically connecting them.
Either the platform parts are close enough and there's rail for the arm base close enough to the gap that the arm can fill in the missing platform tiles, or the part you have control over is iteratively extended, along with the rail on it for the construction arm (by the arm itself) until the first condition is true. This is same as what's shown in the FFF, iterated expansion.XT-248 wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:57 pm How would the ConstructionArm reach the disconnected platforms to re-purpose the space platform to repair the connections? A Space Construction Drone using air-less propulsion in space neatly bypasses this issue by going there directly and back to the Space Platform Hub.
Yes, the flying space drone bypasses this issue. That is the problem, it is too convenient. The goal of the arm is to add a gameplay mechanic and infrastructure requirements for expanding the platform. The arm is further away from the flying space drone than the FFF build process, it's less magic and less convenient. But it's not meant to be frustrating, the inconvenience is more like how really large blueprints on Nauvis need to be designed with roboports in them so that the bots can actually build them.
Flying robots on the planet are not really "flying" for the most part. Since distances are much longer, the gameplay effect is more like the roboports have long arms, as long as their coverage radius. On platforms everything is much closer so the flying distance of robots is relatively overpowered. That's why a maybe ~8 tile long arm makes sense.