I don't think I can explain my taste in art. ^^aussiegaylord wrote:feel free to explain why
In my opinion it makes the font harder to read. A easy and fast readable font is essential, even in some kind of logo. As well I prefer the "F" of the second logo, it's not as "round" as the "F" of the first logo.
Sorry, but i don't understand what you say. :/aussiegaylord wrote:if you want or need to you can make things overly complected that make you computer crash ( done it 5 times already)
Well... I understand why you don't like the old font. So not the old font. I don't like the font of the first new logo, so not the first logo. I don't like the texture of the second new logo: It has no pattern, just the same shade of grey for respectively each letter. So not the second logo. You see why this is a difficult question?slpwnd wrote:Thanks for the comments guys. Interesting to see such a variety of opinions. Based on your comments I have also added two options to the polls: the old logo and none of them.

ow about using the texture of the first logo with the shape of the second logo? And I would prefer a round hole inside the gear.
Just see what other people say, one opinion is not enough!