Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

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Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by kovarex »

One must be an evil guy to avoid over-ambitious plans:

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by Eirikaine »

**can't stop smashing that F5 button!!!** :D :P

Edit : Nice to see that you take care of reporting some feature to keep the schedule on time (approximately of course), it's not a easy to take decision but it's needed (did i say i rly want to test 0.12 ? :P :P)
Optimization are welcome and 500 Mb less memory is huge ! Good job ! :)
Nice last picture, this will be how all my map will look like.. I totally don't care (and not always a good idea) about pollution :P

Quick question, do all the work about multiplayer (latency hiding, desync...) is done or some feature are for 0.13 too ? :)
Last edited by Eirikaine on Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by vedrit »

I can only speak for myself, but I don't mind waiting if it means more sensor and logistic network stuff. Those are really important to me, and I have been really excited for those.

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by Overread »

Shame to hear about the set-backs,but honestly a good move to be the "bad guy" and move things along rather than try too much and end up with a messy release or a forever advancing release date that is never met (sometimes getting something out that is well done on a regular time scale is better than trying to push for some huge mega-update that takes weeks then months longer than planned).

Also with the forest effects I have to wonder if I'm the only one sitting here getting flashbacks of Ferngully and wondering just when the oil in our tanks is going to rise up and start trying to build a huge tree-cutting monstrosity (in other news any plans for a huge tree cutting "leveller" say with some huge buzzsaws and claws and such!*)

*I'm kinda serious, we can run them over in the tank but its wasteful and burning it with the flamethrower takes time - a nice automated or driven logging machine on the other hand....

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by The Phoenixian »

Don't get me wrong, 0.12 is still going to be the biggest release so far, but we really need to stay realistic and avoid over-ambiguous release plans.
This right here is a big part of why I respect you guys as Devs.
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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by JohnDowson »

These trees looks like they're transparent.

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by SomeDuder »

Ehhh, as long as the rest of the stuff makes it in, it'll be a release worth waiting for. Hope no other delays pop up!

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by y.petremann »

Just one question : Could the combinator logic scripted ?

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by cpy »

JohnDowson wrote:These trees looks like they're transparent.
They are using old shadows from when they had leaves so i guess that might be it? Or probably something else.

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by kovarex »

cpy wrote:
JohnDowson wrote:These trees looks like they're transparent.
They are using old shadows from when they had leaves so i guess that might be it? Or probably something else.
No, the shadows are proper (Meaning every version has it's proper shadow).

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by StoneLegion »

I would rather see a delay then this. This seems way to triple A's like. This is not like you guys. Even more so cutting out features. It's one to delay it or 2 to launch and delay the features and add them during the next few weeks. But to butcher out key things till 13. Lot of things were the only reason I stopped playing and was waiting on 12 to begin with :(

PS: Don't take me as a meanie. Just wanted to share how I feel. You guys are some the best devs I have seen around. But consider a delay we can all survive a wait.

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by Marconos »

Sucks that you are having to push features back, but at least you aren't dropping them. I do know myself and many others are very (im)patiently waiting for the 0.12 performance improvements. Really hard getting my 1 RDP / Min base going with the current model.

As always thanks for the update!!!

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by chris13524 »

Hmmm, I stopped playing Factorio because I was waiting for all the cool things to come out so I could automate the factory. It's a huge letdown to be thinking about all the plans for the next base and the be told that it won't happen till 0.13. I would much rather wait a bit for this release rather than waiting for 0.13.

How long until 0.13?

What ever happened to tanker cars?

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by MeduSalem »

Mh... I appreciate the honesty.

That said I can't deny I was looking forward to the logic curcuit expansion... but without sensors and stuff it's like buying a car without tires and having to wait another couple of months until they are shipped. So one can look at the car but not really drive it.

One will probably be able to do some things with combinators already but it's the sensors/switches people are looking forward too the most because whatever the combinators can do (altough more limited of course) is already posssible with some workarounds, but what the sensors/switches can do is mostly not possible yet, f.e. measuring storage tanks, switching off power-grids on/off in other conditions than just when accumulators run dry, etc.

So while I will definitely take a quick look at 0.12 I will probably wait for 0.13 instead to start over with a new map and serious playthrough. At least I wouldn't have minded if 0.12 is delayed another 2-4 weeks if it means that I won't have to wait another 2 months for 0.12 becoming stable and an additional 2 months for 0.13 development and with the further unexpected/unpredictable delays it probably won't happen until Christmas.
Last edited by MeduSalem on Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by _aD »

Your (singular and collective) decisions on release times, plans etc. have served you very well so far and it looks like you are continuing to make the right choices. We may be impatient but we trust you :-)

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by MasterBuilder »

I, too, would rather wait an extra month or two for 0.12 to not have these features cut (delayed to 0.13 or whatever).

0.13 just seems like such a long ways away.
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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by Phillip_Lynx »

Good move to confess the delay. I like it.

I also wait for the new features but take your time to make it right. Better wait a time then cut features out (like some AAAs do it).

I count on you :).

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by vampiricdust »

One one hand, I'm glad you're being practicle, but man I was really excited for trains being in the network. Well, here's to hoping .12 bugs dont evolve spitters.

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by Cordylus »

In my opinion smaller, more frequent updates are better then rare, big ones.

So I'm happy that you are preparing new update earlier, even without few features. :)

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Re: Friday Facts #91 - Being the evil guy

Post by Takezu »

Seems right to me, i mean the things aren't lost in someones drawer, they are just delayed.
And on the other Hand, they can be more refined in the next one.
IMO better have them delayed and work as intendet as squashed in and causing more trouble then worth it.

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